old man joe
2009-10-10 10:36:01 UTC
the only trustworthy documentation of exactly what Jesus was buried in, as far as burial
wrappings are concerned, is to be found in the Bible. the eye witness account as recorded
in Holy Scripture of the actual burial cloth's, plural, is far better an account than that
of irrational people trying to prove that this Shroud of Turin is the cloth Christ was
buried in.
in Jn. 20:1-7 it is clearly stated that Christ was buried with a separate cloth covering
His face. v7 states...
" and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but
rolled up in a place by itself. "
what could be plainer than that statement ? yet, these same people who find the Bible a
lie and go on with the hoax that this Shroud is that of Jesus Christ are actually sitting
on juries in courts of human law... these have the right to vote... these bring up
children to be images of themselves.
wrappings are concerned, is to be found in the Bible. the eye witness account as recorded
in Holy Scripture of the actual burial cloth's, plural, is far better an account than that
of irrational people trying to prove that this Shroud of Turin is the cloth Christ was
buried in.
in Jn. 20:1-7 it is clearly stated that Christ was buried with a separate cloth covering
His face. v7 states...
" and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but
rolled up in a place by itself. "
what could be plainer than that statement ? yet, these same people who find the Bible a
lie and go on with the hoax that this Shroud is that of Jesus Christ are actually sitting
on juries in courts of human law... these have the right to vote... these bring up
children to be images of themselves.