Statues of Mary depict the image as treading down the snake in the Garden thereby overthrowing Christ as Conquerer.
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-05-13 10:36:26 UTC
where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ? here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...

" Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for promoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the people. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him as a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and widely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules over the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people should pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "

an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...

" Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as the wife of the Holy Spirit.

this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. she is called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought to Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. it caught on because unsaved man will worship whatever Satan his god tells
him to. Jn. 8:44

since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alone are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books included in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture because the popes think
themselves infallible.

there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. there are also plenty of photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?

so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of Eden with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. which is right in line with goddess worship...

goddesses have no children, they are Divine... Catholics preach Mary had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. Mary had at least 6 other children.

goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.

goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glorious Assumption.

goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.

goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " reported by none other than

the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior. the Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. they worship Mary who they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.

we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. " Ro. 3:10,11.
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. humans are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.

goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her heart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " this idea appealed greatly to her, as well as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. this is why you will never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think they are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures because the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors and Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.

the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide. a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. they would rejoice to bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. do you really think the God of the Bible would allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
2010-05-13 19:40:12 UTC
  where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ?  here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
  " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for promoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the people. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him as a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and widely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules over the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people should pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
  an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
  " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as the wife of the Holy Spirit.
  this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost.  she is called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought to Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians.  it caught on because unsaved man will worship whatever Satan his god tells
him to.  Jn. 8:44
  since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alone are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books included in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture because the popes think
themselves infallible.  
  there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation.  there are also plenty of photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
  so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of Eden with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan.  which is right in line with goddess worship...
  goddesses have no children, they are Divine...  Catholics preach Mary had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3.  Mary had at least 6 other children.
  goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
  goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glorious Assumption.
  goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
  goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " reported by none other than
  the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47.  Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.  the Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries.  they worship Mary who they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. "  Ro. 3:10,11.  
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead.  humans are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
  goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her heart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. "  this idea appealed greatly to her, as well as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God.  this is why you will never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think they are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures because the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors and Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
  the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide.  a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there.  they would rejoice to bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well.  do you really think the God of the Bible would allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
2010-05-13 21:54:16 UTC
In article
Post by old man joe
=A0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ? =A0=
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=A0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for p=
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the peop=
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him a=
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and wid=
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules ov=
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people shoul=
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=A0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=A0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as t=
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=A0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =A0she is=
called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought t=
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =A0it caught on because unsaved man will worship =
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =A0Jn. 8:44
=A0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alon=
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books includ=
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture be=
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =A0
=A0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to=
statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =A0there are also plenty o=
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=A0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of E=
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =A0which is right in line with godde=
ss worship...
=A0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =A0Catholics preach Ma=
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =A0Mary had at least 6 other chil=
=A0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
=A0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glor=
ious Assumption.
=A0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=A0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " re=
ported by none other than
=A0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in G=
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =A0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior. =A0th=
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =A0they worship Mary who =
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=A0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There is no=
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. "=
=A0Ro. 3:10,11. =A0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =A0humans =
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
=A0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her h=
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =A0this idea appealed greatly to her, as w=
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =A0this is why you will =
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think th=
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures b=
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors a=
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=A0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide.=
=A0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =A0they would rejoice to =
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =A0do you really think the God of the Bible w=
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
** Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2010-05-14 01:26:46 UTC
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by old man joe
=A0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ? =A0=
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=A0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for p=
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the peop=
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him a=
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and wid=
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules ov=
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people shoul=
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=A0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=A0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as t=
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=A0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =A0she is=
 called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought t=
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =A0it caught on because unsaved man will worship =
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =A0Jn. 8:44
=A0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alon=
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books includ=
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture be=
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =A0
=A0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to=
 statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =A0there are also plenty o=
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=A0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of E=
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =A0which is right in line with godde=
ss worship...
=A0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =A0Catholics preach Ma=
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =A0Mary had at least 6 other chil=
=A0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
=A0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glor=
ious Assumption.
=A0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=A0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " re=
ported by none other than
=A0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in G=
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =A0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior. =A0th=
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =A0they worship Mary who =
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=A0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There is no=
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. "=
 =A0Ro. 3:10,11. =A0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =A0humans =
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
=A0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her h=
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =A0this idea appealed greatly to her, as w=
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =A0this is why you will =
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think th=
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures b=
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors a=
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=A0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide.=
 =A0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =A0they would rejoice to =
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =A0do you really think the God of the Bible w=
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
**  Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
ALL documents are man-made, spirits do not have a body to write a
document down with. Every document is man made even it printed on a
printer or transferred by wire etc. man is behind all documents. God
can tell people what to write, but it is man that made the documents.
It does not take a rocket sciences to know that.

2010-05-14 13:22:24 UTC
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go=
? =3DA0=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=3DA0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other=
for p=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the =
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized h=
im a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rule=
s ov=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people s=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=3DA0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=3DA0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honore=
d as t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=3DA0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =3D=
A0she is=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship broug=
ht t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =3DA0it caught on because unsaved man will wo=
rship =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =3DA0Jn. 8:44
=3DA0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scripture=
s alon=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books in=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scriptur=
e be=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =3DA0
=3DA0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes pray=
ing to=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =3DA0there are also pl=
enty o=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=3DA0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garde=
n of E=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =3DA0which is right in line with=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ss worship...
=3DA0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =3DA0Catholics p=
reach Ma=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =3DA0Mary had at least 6 othe=
r chil=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conce=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of th=
e Glor=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ious Assumption.
=3DA0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=3DA0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracle=
s " re=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ported by none other than
=3DA0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoice=
d in G=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =3DA0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =3DA0they worship Mar=
y who =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=3DA0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There=
is no=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after Go=
d. "=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0Ro. 3:10,11. =3DA0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =3DA0h=
umans =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship peopl=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave=
her h=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =3DA0this idea appealed greatly to her=
, as w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =3DA0this is why you=
will =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they thin=
k th=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptur=
es b=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pasto=
rs a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=3DA0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =3DA0they would rejoi=
ce to =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =3DA0do you really think the God of the B=
ible w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
** =A0Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
ALL documents are man-made, spirits do not have a body to write a
document down with. Every document is man made even it printed on a
printer or transferred by wire etc. man is behind all documents. God
can tell people what to write, but it is man that made the documents.
It does not take a rocket sciences to know that.
** Good point Raymond. So when I say something viscous about the one
true church, I am not at all to be believed when I claim that "The Devil
made me say it"?

R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
Dr. R. Knapp
2010-05-18 19:20:02 UTC
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go=
 ? =3DA0=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=3DA0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other=
 for p=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the =
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized h=
im a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rule=
s ov=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people s=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=3DA0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=3DA0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honore=
d as t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=3DA0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =3D=
A0she is=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship broug=
ht t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =3DA0it caught on because unsaved man will wo=
rship =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =3DA0Jn. 8:44
=3DA0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scripture=
s alon=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books in=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scriptur=
e be=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =3DA0
=3DA0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes pray=
ing to=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =3DA0there are also pl=
enty o=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=3DA0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garde=
n of E=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =3DA0which is right in line with=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ss worship...
=3DA0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =3DA0Catholics p=
reach Ma=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =3DA0Mary had at least 6 othe=
r chil=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conce=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of th=
e Glor=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ious Assumption.
=3DA0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=3DA0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracle=
s " re=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ported by none other than
=3DA0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoice=
d in G=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =3DA0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =3DA0they worship Mar=
y who =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=3DA0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There=
 is no=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after Go=
d. "=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0Ro. 3:10,11. =3DA0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =3DA0h=
umans =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship peopl=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave=
 her h=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =3DA0this idea appealed greatly to her=
, as w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =3DA0this is why you=
 will =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they thin=
k th=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptur=
es b=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pasto=
rs a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=3DA0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =3DA0they would rejoi=
ce to =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =3DA0do you really think the God of the B=
ible w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
** =A0Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
ALL documents are man-made, spirits do not have a body to write a
document down with.  Every document is man made even it printed on a
printer or transferred by wire etc. man is behind all documents.   God
can tell people what to write, but it is man that made the documents.
It does not take a rocket sciences to know that.
**  Good point Raymond.  So when I say something viscous about the one
true church, I am not at all to be believed when I claim that "The Devil
made me say it"?
Well I know people that do say that. and I have said that in the past
also, the devil made me do it. Then one thing for sure few will say
Jesus made me do it. Some should say I made me do it, let the buck
stop here.


Post by •R.L.Measures
2010-05-19 08:07:36 UTC
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concocti=
ons go=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
=A0? =3D3DA0=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=3D3DA0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any=
Post by •R.L.Measures
=A0for p=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of =
the =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canoniz=
ed h=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
im a=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential,=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and =
Post by •R.L.Measures
s ov=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that peop=
le s=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered praye=
r. "
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=3D3DA0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be =
Post by •R.L.Measures
d as t=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=3D3DA0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the los=
t. =3D3D=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
A0she is=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship b=
Post by •R.L.Measures
ht t=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =3D3DA0it caught on because unsaved man w=
ill wo=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
rship =3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =3D3DA0Jn. 8:44
=3D3DA0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scr=
Post by •R.L.Measures
s alon=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra book=
s in=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scri=
Post by •R.L.Measures
e be=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =3D3DA0
=3D3DA0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Pope=
s pray=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
ing to=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =3D3DA0there are a=
lso pl=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
enty o=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=3D3DA0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the=
Post by •R.L.Measures
n of E=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =3D3DA0which is right in lin=
e with=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ss worship...
=3D3DA0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =3D3DA0Cat=
holics p=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
reach Ma=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =3D3DA0Mary had at least =
6 othe=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
r chil=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea=
of th=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
e Glor=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ious Assumption.
=3D3DA0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly cro=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " m=
Post by •R.L.Measures
s " re=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ported by none other than
=3D3DA0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has r=
Post by •R.L.Measures
d in G=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =3D3DA0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a S=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =3D3DA0they worsh=
ip Mar=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
y who =3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=3D3DA0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written,=
Post by •R.L.Measures
=A0is no=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh afte=
r Go=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
d. "=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0=3D3DA0Ro. 3:10,11. =3D3DA0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =
Post by •R.L.Measures
umans =3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship p=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3D3DA0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when sh=
e gave=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
=A0her h=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =3D3DA0this idea appealed greatly =
to her=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
, as w=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =3D3DA0this is w=
hy you=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
=A0will =3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they =
Post by •R.L.Measures
k th=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scri=
Post by •R.L.Measures
es b=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and p=
Post by •R.L.Measures
rs a=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=3D3DA0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0=3D3DA0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =3D3DA0they would=
Post by •R.L.Measures
ce to =3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =3D3DA0do you really think the God of=
the B=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
ible w=3D3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good Ne=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
of Salvation in Christian context.
** =3DA0Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
ALL documents are man-made, spirits do not have a body to write a
document down with. =A0Every document is man made even it printed on a
printer or transferred by wire etc. man is behind all documents. =A0 Go=
Post by •R.L.Measures
can tell people what to write, but it is man that made the documents.
It does not take a rocket sciences to know that.
** =A0Good point Raymond. =A0So when I say something viscous about the on=
Post by •R.L.Measures
true church, I am not at all to be believed when I claim that "The Devil
made me say it"?
Well I know people that do say that. and I have said that in the past
also, the devil made me do it. Then one thing for sure few will say
Jesus made me do it. Some should say I made me do it, let the buck
stop here.
** the truth is that nothing hurts as much as the awful truth.

cheers Raymond.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
2010-06-13 14:22:14 UTC
Post by RWKnapp
ALL documents are man-made, spirits do not have a body to write a
document down with. Every document is man made even it printed on a
printer or transferred by wire etc. man is behind all documents. God
can tell people what to write, but it is man that made the documents.
It does not take a rocket sciences to know that.
If god were the omnipotent god constantly presented, then he wouldn't need
humans as a medium to write down words. He should be able to do like he did
with that Mosaic tablet, boom, it's written down. And if he did that, he'd
write down what he meant instead of the inconsistencies in the bible
2010-05-14 13:52:17 UTC
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by old man joe
=A0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ? =A0=
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=A0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for p=
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the peop=
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him a=
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and wid=
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules ov=
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people shoul=
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=A0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=A0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as t=
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=A0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =A0she is=
 called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought t=
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =A0it caught on because unsaved man will worship =
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =A0Jn. 8:44
=A0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alon=
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books includ=
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture be=
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =A0
=A0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to=
 statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =A0there are also plenty o=
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=A0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of E=
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =A0which is right in line with godde=
ss worship...
=A0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =A0Catholics preach Ma=
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =A0Mary had at least 6 other chil=
=A0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
=A0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glor=
ious Assumption.
=A0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=A0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " re=
ported by none other than
=A0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in G=
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =A0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior. =A0th=
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =A0they worship Mary who =
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=A0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There is no=
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. "=
 =A0Ro. 3:10,11. =A0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =A0humans =
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
=A0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her h=
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =A0this idea appealed greatly to her, as w=
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =A0this is why you will =
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think th=
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures b=
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors a=
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=A0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide.=
 =A0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =A0they would rejoice to =
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =A0do you really think the God of the Bible w=
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
**  Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734,www.somis.org- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You'll have to try at least a little; that's irrelevant to the
discussion. The verse contains the crushing the serpent head imagery
making it part of Tradition.
2010-05-14 14:29:59 UTC
In article
Post by •R.L.Measures
In article
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go=
? =3DA0=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
=3DA0 " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other=
for p=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
romoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the =
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
le. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized h=
im a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
s a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rule=
s ov=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
er the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people s=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
d pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
=3DA0 an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
=3DA0 " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honore=
d as t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
he wife of the Holy Spirit.
=3DA0 this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost. =3D=
A0she is=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship broug=
ht t=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
o Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians. =3DA0it caught on because unsaved man will wo=
rship =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
whatever Satan his god tells
him to. =3DA0Jn. 8:44
=3DA0 since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scripture=
s alon=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books in=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ed in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scriptur=
e be=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
cause the popes think
themselves infallible. =3DA0
=3DA0 there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes pray=
ing to=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation. =3DA0there are also pl=
enty o=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
f photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
=3DA0 so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garde=
n of E=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
den with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan. =3DA0which is right in line with=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ss worship...
=3DA0 goddesses have no children, they are Divine... =3DA0Catholics p=
reach Ma=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ry had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3. =3DA0Mary had at least 6 othe=
r chil=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conce=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of th=
e Glor=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ious Assumption.
=3DA0 goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
=3DA0 goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracle=
s " re=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ported by none other than
=3DA0 the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoice=
d in G=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
od my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47. =3DA0Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
e Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries. =3DA0they worship Mar=
y who =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
=3DA0 we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There=
is no=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after Go=
d. "=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0Ro. 3:10,11. =3DA0
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead. =3DA0h=
umans =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship peopl=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=3DA0 goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave=
her h=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
eart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. " =3DA0this idea appealed greatly to her=
, as w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ell as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God. =3DA0this is why you=
will =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they thin=
k th=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ey are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptur=
es b=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ecause the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pasto=
rs a=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
nd Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
=3DA0 the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world=
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
=A0=3DA0a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there. =3DA0they would rejoi=
ce to =3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well. =3DA0do you really think the God of the B=
ible w=3D
Post by •R.L.Measures
Post by old man joe
ould allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
** =A0Genesis is quite obviously a man-made document.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734,www.somis.org- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
You'll have to try at least a little; that's irrelevant to the
discussion. The verse contains the crushing the serpent head imagery
making it part of Tradition.
** I have no clue as to what you are talking about.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
old man joe
2010-05-15 10:33:28 UTC
Post by BAB
  where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ?  here's a little tid bit someone
has on the internet...
  " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for promoting the worship of Mary,
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the people. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized him as a saint and published his
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and widely read. He noted that
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and rules over the kingdom of mercy
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people should pray to Mary as a
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
  an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
  " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as the wife of the Holy Spirit.
  this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost.  she is called by the Catholic's " the
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship brought to Rome from the goddess
worshiping Babylonians.  it caught on because unsaved man will worship whatever Satan his god tells
him to.  Jn. 8:44
  since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures alone are not the only rule of
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books included in their Bible, but also
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy Scripture because the popes think
themselves infallible.  
  there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying to statues of Mary...
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation.  there are also plenty of photographs of the Pope of
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
  so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of Eden with an apple in its
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan.  which is right in line with goddess worship...
  goddesses have no children, they are Divine...  Catholics preach Mary had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3.  Mary had at least 6 other children.
  goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
  goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glorious Assumption.
  goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
  goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles " reported by none other than
  the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47.  Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.  the Catholics, on the other hand,
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries.  they worship Mary who they say was sinless because
they think they are sinless.
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. "  Ro. 3:10,11.  
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead.  humans are not equal to God and it
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
  goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her heart to Satan who convinced
her she would " be like God. "  this idea appealed greatly to her, as well as to the Popes who think
they speak infallibly with the authority of God.  this is why you will never hear a Pope expound the
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they think they are above the Holy
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy Scriptures because the flock will find
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and pastors and Catechisms when compared
to Holy Scripture.
  the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world wide.  a Catholic would be out of
place in heaven since there are no idols there.  they would rejoice to bring hell up to heaven and
worship Mary there as well.  do you really think the God of the Bible would allow in heaven the
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
as with all idol worshipers / people worshipers who quote Gen. 3:15, no mention of Mary is found
there. neither does Eve tread the snake. Christ does, unless of course you worship bags of plaster
fashion into the Gentile faced graven image of the female goddess deity you're protecting.
2010-05-15 15:49:57 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
  where did Mary worship come from as far as human concoctions go ?
 here's a little tid bit someone
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
has on the internet...
  " Bishop Alphonse de Ligouri is more responsible than any other for
promoting the worship of Mary,
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
therefore dethroning Christ and enthroning Mary in the hearts of the people. Rather than
excommunicating him for his heresies, the Catholic Church canonized
him as a saint and published his
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
book, called "The Glories of Mary," which is famous, influential, and
widely read. He noted that
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
Mary was given rulership over one half of the kingdom of God and
rules over the kingdom of mercy
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
while Jesus rules over the kingdom of justice. He wrote that people
should pray to Mary as a
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
mediator and look to her as an object of trust for answered prayer. "
  an excerpt from a Catholic theologian states...
  " Mary is the spouse of the Holy Spirit and she is to be honored as
the wife of the Holy Spirit.
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
  this and lots more make Mary deity in the eyes of the lost.  she is
called by the Catholic's " the
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
Queen of heaven "... which is nothing more than Asherah worship
brought to Rome from the goddess
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
worshiping Babylonians.  it caught on because unsaved man will
worship whatever Satan his god tells
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
him to.  Jn. 8:44
  since the Roman Catholic church teaches that the Holy Scriptures
alone are not the only rule of
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
faith and practice, that is, with the addition of many extra books
included in their Bible, but also
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
that of proclamations from their Popes are as worthy as Holy
Scripture because the popes think
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
themselves infallible.  
  there are plenty of photographs on the internet with Popes praying
to statues of Mary...
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
infallible idol worship as a way to salvation.  there are also plenty
of photographs of the Pope of
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
that time kissing up to the Nazis... can Satan cast out Satan ?
  so here we have statues of Mary treading the snake in the Garden of
Eden with an apple in its
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
mouth as though Mary conquers Satan.  which is right in line with goddess worship...
  goddesses have no children, they are Divine...  Catholics preach Mary had no other
children, quiet the contrary to Mk.6:3.  Mary had at least 6 other children.
  goddesses have no sin... hence the idea of the Immaculate Conception.
  goddesses can not die as we mere humans... hence the idea of the Glorious Assumption.
  goddesses where crowns... statues of Mary have kingly crowns.
  goddesses have supernatural power's... hence the many " miracles "
reported by none other than
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
  the Bible records Mary as saying... " And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. "
Lk. 1:47.  Mary knew very well she was a sinner needing a Savior.
 the Catholics, on the other hand,
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
have kept the goddess idea alive for centuries.  they worship Mary
who they say was sinless because
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
they think they are sinless.
  we also know from Holy Scripture that " As it is written, There is
There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after
God. "  Ro. 3:10,11.  
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
that includes Mary, the goddess deity of the spiritually dead.
 humans are not equal to God and it
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
surely does not come from the Living God that we are to worship people.
  goddess self-worship began with Eve in the Garden when she gave her
heart to Satan who convinced
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
her she would " be like God. "  this idea appealed greatly to her, as
well as to the Popes who think
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
they speak infallibly with the authority of God.  this is why you
will never hear a Pope expound the
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
Holy Scriptures in areas that conflict with their edicts... they
think they are above the Holy
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
Scriptures... they hate to have their flock reading the Holy
Scriptures because the flock will find
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
fantastic blasphemes spewing from the mouths of their Popes and
pastors and Catechisms when compared
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
to Holy Scripture.
  the icons of Babylon are in virtually every Catholic home world
wide.  a Catholic would be out of
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
place in heaven since there are no idols there.  they would rejoice
to bring hell up to heaven and
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
worship Mary there as well.  do you really think the God of the Bible
would allow in heaven the
Post by old man joe
Post by BAB
worship of created beings rather than Himself ?
You should become more familiar with your Bible!
Read Genesis 3:15, considered the first announcement of the Good News
of Salvation in Christian context.
as with all idol worshipers / people worshipers who quote Gen. 3:15, no
mention of Mary is found
Post by old man joe
there. neither does Eve tread the snake. Christ does, unless of course
you worship bags of plaster
Post by old man joe
fashion into the Gentile faced graven image of the female goddess deity you're protecting.
** Since a plaster statue is molded and not engraved, it is not a graven image.
R.L. Measures. 805-386-3734, www.somis.org