The Roman Catholic Catechism insists the man in the pew is too stupid to interpret the Holy Scritpures...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-09-26 13:41:08 UTC
an excerpt from the Roman Catholic Catechism ....

" The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted SOLELY to the
Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion
with him. "

the pope and his bishops are the only one's qualified to understand the Scriptures by this
point in the Catechism. this means that the Apostle John was in grave error when he said
by inspiration of the Holy Spirit ...

" But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that
any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and
is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him. " 1 John 2:27

even our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was in error and is held as a subordinate to the
pope and his bishops when He said...

" But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he
shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have
said unto you. " John 14:26

" Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he
shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will
shew you things to come." John 16:13

the Apostle Paul was in grave error therefore when he said under the direction of the Holy
Spirit of God while quoting God's own words from the Old Testament...

" For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,
saith the Lord; I will put my laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts: and I
will be to them a God, and they shall be to me a people: And they shall not teach every
man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for all
shall know me, from the least to the greatest. " Heb 8:10,11

thanks be to God in Christ that the elect of God are taught by His indwelling Holy Spirit
who, by no means, takes His order's from those who would seat Mary on the throne of

the kind of gospel presented to the masses to follow as if it were from God insists the
average Catholic is not only too stupid to interpret the Holy Scriptures without the help
of the Magistium, but also insists that salvation is for the smart only. only the pope
and his bishops are smart enough to understand the Holy Scriptures, thus making it a
heresy to not to believe the Catholic Church's infallible notion that Mary was born and
always was sinless... that she was taken into heaven alive as well. no where does the
Bible say this.

instead, we find the Word of God teaching that " If we say that we have no sin, we are
deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. " 1 Jn. 1:8 even though there was no
such thing as a Roman Catholic Church in Mary's lifetime, they've made her a Catholic.
even their statues of her depict a face of a Gentile woman and not the face of a Jewish

these are the same kind of people who've erased the Second Commandment so they can have
man made permission to worship idols. there are many other cults which have changed the
Word of God to suit " itching ear's. "
Azz Pizz
2009-09-26 20:04:20 UTC
Post by old man joe
an excerpt from the Roman Catholic Catechism ....
" The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been
entrusted SOLELY to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the
Pope and to the bishops in communion with him. "
Would you perform surgery without a license? I'd definitely prefer almost
2,000 years of countless scholars studying the Bible to Pastor Joe's
Nondenominational Church Down The Street.
Not that the Catholic Church is 100% right on everything, they don't teach
that, with the exception of products of Church councils and the ONLY TWO
TIMES in history that the Pope was infallible (Immaculate Conception of
Mary, Assumption of Mary, neither are found in the Bible but are long-held
beliefs which are part of Sacred Tradition).
Post by old man joe
thanks be to God in Christ that the elect of God are taught by His
indwelling Holy Spirit who, by no means, takes His order's from those
who would seat Mary on the throne of Christ.
Mary is not worshipped and does not have an equal or higher status to God.
To quote my grandmother, "We don't worship Mary, we honor her! And
shouldn't you honor the mother of your Savior!"
Post by old man joe
these are the same kind of people who've erased the Second Commandment
so they can have man made permission to worship idols.
Catholics don't worship idols. It's just artwork which might be used as a
visual tool when praying. And no, we don't pray to saints. We ask them to
pray to God for us (aka "intercession").

And there were other "graven images" at the time, it was referring to idol
worship. It also says in the same passage "...or any likeness of any thing
that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the
water under the earth". Does that mean buying a toy fish for your kid is a

You cannot interpret the Bible literally. God wanted to stop idol worship.
He didn't care about children's toys, and He didn't want to ban artwork,
especially artwork made in His benefit.
Azz Pizz Institute
The OFFICIAL Verbal Diarrhea Think Tank (tm)
Washington, DC
Edward Curtis
2009-09-27 13:48:13 UTC
Post by old man joe
an excerpt from the Roman Catholic Catechism ....
"  The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted SOLELY to the
Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion
with him. "
the pope and his bishops are the only one's qualified to understand the Scriptures by this
point in the Catechism.  this means that the Apostle John was in grave error when he said
by inspiration of the Holy Spirit ...  
That is not what it means. What it does mean is that Catholics, when
they do read the Bible, are to be careful not to go against the Church
in interpreting it. But the Catechism also says....

"The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all of the Christian
faithful to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ by frequent
reading of the divine Scriptures." (CCC #133)

Oh, and you've once again falsely accused Catholics of worshipping
idols. When are you going to repent?

2009-09-28 10:56:54 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
an excerpt from the Roman Catholic Catechism ....
"  The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted SOLELY to the
Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion
with him. "
the pope and his bishops are the only one's qualified to understand the Scriptures by this
point in the Catechism.  this means that the Apostle John was in grave error when he said
by inspiration of the Holy Spirit ...  
That is not what it means. What it does mean is that Catholics, when
they do read the Bible, are to be careful not to go against the Church
in interpreting it. But the Catechism also says....
"The Church forcefully and specifically exhorts all of the Christian
faithful to learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ by frequent
reading of the divine Scriptures." (CCC #133)
Oh, and you've once again falsely accused Catholics of worshipping
idols. When are you going to repent?
Protest_ants deny that requirement. They believe they are saved by grace no
matter how sinful they are.

They are the greatest bunch of cafeteria Christians around - accept the words of
the Lord here, reject there.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Azz Pizz
2009-09-30 00:44:45 UTC
Post by duke
They are the greatest bunch of cafeteria Christians around - accept
the words of the Lord here, reject there.
What's strange is that they reject the literal Eucharist despite early
Christians being classified as cannibals over it.
Azz Pizz Institute
The OFFICIAL Verbal Diarrhea Think Tank (tm)
Washington, DC
2009-09-30 12:14:16 UTC
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 00:44:45 +0000 (UTC), Azz Pizz
Post by Azz Pizz
Post by duke
They are the greatest bunch of cafeteria Christians around - accept
the words of the Lord here, reject there.
What's strange is that they reject the literal Eucharist despite early
Christians being classified as cannibals over it.
What Christians would that be?

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Azz Pizz
2009-09-30 12:39:42 UTC
Post by duke
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 00:44:45 +0000 (UTC), Azz Pizz
Post by Azz Pizz
What's strange is that they reject the literal Eucharist despite early
Christians being classified as cannibals over it.
What Christians would that be?
The early Christians under Roman persecution. One of the prejudices was
supposed cannibalism due to Roman misunderstanding of the Real Presence.
Azz Pizz Institute
The OFFICIAL Verbal Diarrhea Think Tank (tm)
Washington, DC
2009-10-02 12:01:26 UTC
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 12:39:42 +0000 (UTC), Azz Pizz
Post by Azz Pizz
Post by duke
On Wed, 30 Sep 2009 00:44:45 +0000 (UTC), Azz Pizz
Post by Azz Pizz
What's strange is that they reject the literal Eucharist despite early
Christians being classified as cannibals over it.
What Christians would that be?
The early Christians under Roman persecution. One of the prejudices was
supposed cannibalism due to Roman misunderstanding of the Real Presence.
So it was the Romans, eh!

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

2009-09-28 12:55:41 UTC
Given the number of overly vocal religious wackjobs on the Internet,
I'd say that in this case, the RCC has a valid point.