Dishonor is shown to the Virgin Mary by those who pray to her if she were Goddess...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-09-25 17:28:13 UTC
since at least in Roman Catholicism the Second Commandment has been erased from the Ten
Commandments and the Tenth split in two so as to keep them Ten, thus opening the door to
idolatry for which they are world famous, they do indeed dishonor Mary by worshiping her
as if she were a Co-Redeemer.

while God shows no partiality to anyone ( Ro. 2:11 ) Mary was chosen by God, on the merits
of the grace of God, not Mary, and that's why she is addressed in the manner of " favored
one. " all of the glory goes to God who does the choosing of those whom He calls upon to
do His will... it is good works laid out by God for any and all believer's to do. Eph.

it is not commanded anywhere in the Bible that we should worship people. though Abraham
is called ' the father of the faithful ' no command is given by God to erect temples to
him, make statues of him nor give worship to him nor people God has chosen impartially to
fulfill His purpose. to do so is blasphemy and idolatry.

when the angel Gabriel addressed Mary as we find in Luke chapter one he said...
" Greetings, favored one. The Lord is with you " he greeted her with the words God gave
him to say; and Mary's response was from the Holy Spirit, not Mary... such a greeting is
said in times past to other's whom God Himself has personally greeted as we find in Jg.

furthermore, the term " favored one " comes from, by translation into English, the Greek
NT word " grace, " undeserved merit, since any favor shown by God is on the merits of
Christ as Savior. the elect angels of the host of heaven as well as the elect of God of
mankind know full well that the grace of God in the saving sense brings up in man's heart
the worship of God in Christ, not people. Jn. 16:13,14

this greeting, as given to the angel Gabriel by God to say to Mary and Daniel,
( Dan. 9:23 ) and as God Himself says to Gideon, is the exact same gracious greeting of
God He shows to all of His elect ones as we read in the salutations of the letter's sent
to the early believer's by the apostles. this applies also to believer's in all ages
everywhere they are found.

indeed, the reprobate are in darkness to the truth that God in Christ is the Savior,
Mediator... The Author and Finisher of our faith. an example of this darkness is in the
parable of the rich man and Lazarus... the rich man beseeches a mere human... Abraham,
and not Jesus Christ Eternal God the Son... to relieve him from his agony. Lk.16

such is the case with all idol worshipers directing their attention to other humans for
mercy unto salvation... their end is as we read in Rev. 21:8.
2009-09-25 17:56:39 UTC
Bigotry sucks.
Azz Pizz
2009-09-26 20:07:14 UTC
Post by old man joe
since at least in Roman Catholicism the Second Commandment has been
erased from the Ten Commandments and the Tenth split in two so as to
keep them Ten, thus opening the door to idolatry for which they are
world famous, they do indeed dishonor Mary by worshiping her as if she
were a Co-Redeemer.
Mary as co-redeemer has nothing to do with worship. We do NOT worship Mary.
She is NOT a goddess. And Mary as co-redeemer isn't an official dogma, you
can still be a Catholic and disagree with it.

See my other post to your "man in the pew is too stupid" thread.
Azz Pizz Institute
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Washington, DC