He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory... speaks to the idea of " I made a decision for Christ " Jn. 7:18
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-10-09 11:14:51 UTC
" He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that
sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. (KJV) " Jn. 7:18


since those whom God saves are " justified by the faith of Christ, " ( Gal. 2:16 ) and not
by some mythical act of their own free will ( Jn. 1:12,13 ) in ' making a decision for
Christ, ' nor ' accepting Jesus as ones Lord and Savior; ' nor some ' sinner's prayer '
and so on, it is quite evident that how a person speaks of salvation defines their
understanding of how they themselves think salvation comes to man.

and they go on to offer the same gospel to other's which they think saved them.

when Christ says " he that speaketh of himself... " He is saying that the person saying so
is calling attention to his own good work of positive volition toward Christ. that by the
person's own doing he is in Christ Jesus unto salvation. we have here the idea of
Universalism which says Christ died for everyone without exception.

we know Universalism is a falsehood since those swept away in the Flood did not get into
the Ark at the preaching of Noah, which typifies Christ; we do not find the Egyptians
putting the blood of the sacrifice on the lintels of their homes so as to save from death
their first born, which typifies Christ; and we do not find man " making a decision a
decision for Christ " since this typifies man as his own redeemer and not Christ. Jn.

neither can we expect that Judas Iscariot is born from above as well as those recorded in
the Bible as having committed the unpardonable sin. salvation is directed solely towards
those whom God recorded in the Lamb's Book of Life. as Christ says Himself, He lays down
His life, that is, makes atonement, for His sheep. not the flock belonging to Satan; His
sheep. Jn. 10; 17:9

when someone says at some ' altar call ' he professed his faith in Christ we have found
someone who " seeketh his own glory " because that person is the doer of the action which
he thinks saved him. this stems from his belief that Christ died for everyone ( though
everyone is not saved ) and there is but to make the right move toward God to get some of
the sacrifice for oneself.

such is true in other dogma's where the belief that man made ceremonies justify the
ungodly... baptism with water being one of them.

salvation is typified in the account of Lazarus coming out of the grave at the command of
Christ. the dead, in and of themselves do not respond to the living. neither do the dead
in sin respond to the Living God in and of themselves, but first, must be given life by
God. this is what Acts 13:48 is all about as well as Jn. 3:3.

it is " by His doing you are in Christ Jesus... " ( 1 Cor. 1:30 ) and not by some mythical
act of positive volition towards Christ which seeks to say " I " was the one who saw my
need for Christ by the prompting of the Holy Spirit and then
" made my decision for Christ. "

that idea is not of God and is not found in Holy Scripture except as a false gospel of
salvation by works. the co-redeemer's are blind to the gospel of the Bible which states
emphatically that all of the glory goes to God in Christ for the doing and that man is
absolutely dead to salvation unless the Living God acts first to apply the blood of the
sacrifice to his sin sick soul.

then and only then does man respond to the Living God as Acts 13:48 and Jn. 3:3
command. Judas is called " the son of perdition " because no atonement was made for him.
neither was atonement made for those swept away in the Flood, nor the Egyptian first born,
nor the inhabitants of Sodom, nor for fallen angels, but only for those whom He's written
in the Lamb's Book of Life.

only the elect will ever give God all of the glory for saving them according to the
wording of Holy Scripture ( Ps. 115:17 )... that salvation is all of God and none of man
who is dead towards Him. when someone says " I am saved by placing my faith in Christ, "
there stands a person seeking his own glory since the Bible says to the contrary... it
says those who are saved are " justified by the faith of Christ. " Gal. 2:16

the reprobate non-elect can not word the gospel so as to give Christ all of the glory
" For there is no mention of You in death; In Sheol who will give You thanks?
Ps. 6:5
2009-10-11 12:28:26 UTC
Post by old man joe
" He that speaketh of himself seeketh his own glory: but he that seeketh his glory that
sent him, the same is true, and no unrighteousness is in him. (KJV) " Jn. 7:18
since those whom God saves are " justified by the faith of Christ, " ( Gal. 2:16 ) and not
by some mythical act of their own free will ( Jn. 1:12,13 ) in ' making a decision for
Christ, ' nor ' accepting Jesus as ones Lord and Savior; ' nor some ' sinner's prayer '
and so on,
Yet scripture well says that those who don't feed the hungry, clothe the naked,
nurse the hurt, etc, do the same to Jesus and are hell bound.

Now what?

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
