Instead of emotional outbursts, why don't the Catholic's offer Scripture condoning worship of Mary ?
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-29 13:36:32 UTC
looking at the replies made by the idol worshipers speaking always in favor of worshiping
Mary, notice they can not offer Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of
her and the worshiping of them.

this is because there is no Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of Mary
and the worship thereof.

these have erased the First Commandment out of Holy Scripture and by so doing have given
themselves permission to make, keep, prostrate to and worship a part of God's creation, to
the point of calling names at anyone countering their sin of idol worship. huh, now they
have to go to their Confession and let their priest absolve them for this sin.

here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.


IT Helpdesk
2010-01-29 13:43:55 UTC
Post by old man joe
looking at the replies made by the idol worshipers speaking always in favor of worshiping
Mary, notice they can not offer Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of
her and the worshiping of them.
this is because there is no Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of Mary
and the worship thereof.
these have erased the First Commandment out of Holy Scripture and by so doing have given
themselves permission to make, keep, prostrate to and worship a part of God's creation, to
the point of calling names at anyone countering their sin of idol worship.
huh, now they
have to go to their Confession and let their priest absolve them for this sin.
here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.

The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.

You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
2010-01-29 13:57:48 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??

Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.

What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.

Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.

But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.

Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!

IT Helpdesk
2010-01-29 15:45:41 UTC
Post by Zadok
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??
Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.
What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.
Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.
But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.
Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!
And all this time I thought you were an Atheist, Zadok.

Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
2010-01-29 16:42:58 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by Zadok
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??
Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.
What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.
Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.
But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.
Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!
And all this time I thought you were an Atheist, Zadok.
Ah, we can see from that, and from your posts that "Thought" is something
that escapes you.

old man joe
2010-01-30 10:41:52 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
looking at the replies made by the idol worshipers speaking always in favor of worshiping
Mary, notice they can not offer Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of
her and the worshiping of them.
this is because there is no Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of Mary
and the worship thereof.
these have erased the First Commandment out of Holy Scripture and by so doing have given
themselves permission to make, keep, prostrate to and worship a part of
God's creation, to
the point of calling names at anyone countering their sin of idol worship.
huh, now they
have to go to their Confession and let their priest absolve them for this sin.
here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholic double-speak in action... ' honor ' mean's kneeling in front of a graven image
and praying to it for grace and favor's but doesn't mean worship... typical Catholic
re-definition of terms so as to give permission to themselves to worship idols.

the Catholic's erased the First Commandment so they can worship idols of Mary and whatever
else they think is ' holy, ' such as the body parts of their idol worshiping ' saint's '
they imbed in their altars... sounds and looks more like cannibalism.

let me know when the idol speaks to you, ok ?

Catholic's are not Christians by any Bible definition of the word Christian. they are
Papists and Marianists.

and where is your Bible quote of chapter and verse where God gives us permission to make
graven images and worship them ? ? ?
2010-01-30 18:12:32 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholic double-speak in action... ' honor ' mean's kneeling in front of a graven image
and praying to it for grace and favor's but doesn't mean worship... typical Catholic
re-definition of terms so as to give permission to themselves to worship idols.
Actually, we only use the word "venerate", which means to hold in high esteem,
and that doens't include statues. However your blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit hides that truth from you.
Post by old man joe
the Catholic's erased the First Commandment so they can worship idols of Mary
Hey, numbnuts, I gather you can't relate to "no other gods before me".
Post by old man joe
let me know when the idol speaks to you, ok ?
The day a statue speaks to me, you'll know it.
Post by old man joe
Catholic's are not Christians by any Bible definition of the word Christian. they are
Papists and Marianists.
The Catholic Church is the single Church that fulfills the characteristics that
Jesus gave his Church on earth. As best as I can tell, your's rejects all of
them including your blasphemy against the HS.
Post by old man joe
and where is your Bible quote of chapter and verse where God gives us permission to make
graven images and worship them ? ? ?
He didn't, it doesn't, we don't.

But that doesn't hinder your blasphemy, does it.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

2010-01-29 18:17:27 UTC
Post by old man joe
looking at the replies made by the idol worshipers speaking always in favor of worshiping
Mary, notice they can not offer Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of
her and the worshiping of them.
Gee, now that's a new one by a stupid omj. God didn't and we don't.
Post by old man joe
this is because there is no Holy Scripture where God commands the making of idols of Mary
and the worship thereof.
We know and we don't.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI