Christianity at its best... aborted fetuses thrown into hell fire for infinity for one Original Sin...
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old man joe
2010-01-10 23:40:19 UTC
the sin of Adam is never referred to as the sins ( plural ) of Adam because the sin
results in death; death of the body and death of the soul, which is passed to all who ever
lived, as we read in Romans chapter 5, save Moses, Elijah and Enoch.

in the case of aborted fetuses... they've doubtfully heard the Word of God while in their
mother's womb because of the lifestyle of those who bring about illegitimate children and
have them murdered without ever see the light of day.

but being guilty of Adam's sin, the wage of which is death, these murdered fetuses wake up
in a burning, tormenting hell fire for infinity. this of course is after they've died and
have been given eternal life so they can indeed suffer for infinity.

this is the lot of those aborted fetuses according to those who love to see God give
unbeliever's what they deserve. the wages of sin is death and Scripture can not be

it can not be said, by reason of the Fundamentalist doctrine of saving yourself by
personal achievement through altar calls and making decisions for Christ that these same
aborted fetuses automatically go on to be with Christ... no such fancy idea exists in Holy
Scripture. they presume much more than they are willing to find out from God's Word.

besides aborted fetuses, babies dying at birth, toddlers and the mentally impaired will
also be given eternal life so they too can burn in hell for infinity according to those
who save themselves... whether it be by decision making or commandment keeping or
whatever. one has to make an effort on their part or salvation will never happen
according to these co-redeemer's.

these aborted fetuses, by reason of the twisted extra Scriptural doctrines preached
by the co-redeemer's, will be given eternal life so they can be in torment for all
infinity since these little fetuses never had a chance to make a decision for Christ of
their own free will.

thanks be to the Living God that the wages of sin is death; that the soul that sins will
die and " rise no more " ( Jer. 25:27 et al ) so that it is not possible for unbeliever's
to be given eternal life to burn in hell fire for infinity.
IT Helpdesk
2010-01-11 02:30:20 UTC
Post by old man joe
the sin of Adam is never referred to as the sins ( plural ) of Adam because the sin
results in death; death of the body and death of the soul, which is passed to all who ever
lived, as we read in Romans chapter 5, save Moses, Elijah and Enoch.
in the case of aborted fetuses... they've doubtfully heard the Word of God while in their
mother's womb because of the lifestyle of those who bring about illegitimate children and
have them murdered without ever see the light of day.
but being guilty of Adam's sin, the wage of which is death, these murdered fetuses wake up
in a burning, tormenting hell fire for infinity. this of course is after they've died and
have been given eternal life so they can indeed suffer for infinity.
this is the lot of those aborted fetuses according to those who love to see God give
unbeliever's what they deserve. the wages of sin is death and Scripture can not be
it can not be said, by reason of the Fundamentalist doctrine of saving yourself by
personal achievement through altar calls and making decisions for Christ that these same
aborted fetuses automatically go on to be with Christ... no such fancy idea exists in Holy
Scripture. they presume much more than they are willing to find out from God's Word.
besides aborted fetuses, babies dying at birth, toddlers and the mentally impaired will
also be given eternal life so they too can burn in hell for infinity according to those
who save themselves... whether it be by decision making or commandment keeping or
whatever. one has to make an effort on their part or salvation will never happen
according to these co-redeemer's.
these aborted fetuses, by reason of the twisted extra Scriptural doctrines preached
by the co-redeemer's, will be given eternal life so they can be in torment for all
infinity since these little fetuses never had a chance to make a decision for Christ of
their own free will.
thanks be to the Living God that the wages of sin is death; that the soul that sins will
die and " rise no more " ( Jer. 25:27 et al ) so that it is not possible for unbeliever's
to be given eternal life to burn in hell fire for infinity.
When you say "infinity", do you mean "eternity"?
