Extreme Unction... just another idea to give man the power " to be like God " Ja. 5:14,15
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-09-30 08:19:08 UTC
Extreme Unction or Anointing of the sick as its called, seeks to say that the recovery
from a grave illness leading to a near death experience and forgiveness of sins unto
eternal life are contained in this ' Last Rite ' performed by a minister of certain
Churches with certain ' blessed ' objects such as olive oil.

it is meant that recovery from physical illness is not assured the endangered one but
forgiveness unto eternal life, is... so says the edicts of the RCC.

it can be seen however, that Extreme Unction is just another idea to subject the Living
God to the dictates of the RCC much like their erasing of the Second Commandment so as to
legalize the worship of idols.

the idea of EU is taken from Ja. 5:14,15. the English words translated " sick " in these
two passages are not the same Greek words in the God breathed text of Holy Scripture, thus
leading the reader to assume its meaning in Ja. 5:14 is the same as its meaning in v. 15,
which it is not.

in verse 14 the ' sick ' are those who are physically ill while in verse 15 the ' sick '
are those who are spiritually ill... only having been given the faith of Jesus Christ
saves by forgiving sin. the phrase " the Lord will raise him up " is connected to being
raised up by God on the Last Day. Jn. 6:40,44,54. this conditions the meaning of the
word ' sick ' in v. 15.

what is conveyed by the word ' sick ' in Ja. 5:14 can be found in Lk. 4:40 for example...
" ... all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and
He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. " illness of the body is in view.

what is conveyed in Ja. 5:15 by the different Greek word translated ' sick ' is exampled
in but three passages of the KJV of the Bible... Heb. 12:3; Ja. 5:15; and Rev. 2:3.
in these cases they are translated ' wearied; sick and fainted, ' respectively.

what makes the usage of the Greek word translated ' sick ' in Ja. 5:15 completely
different from an malady of the body is it's connection with the phrase " " the prayer of
faith "... will save the sick. " " the only other passage which speaks to " the prayer
of faith " which, as James continues by saying, " if he has committed sins, he will be
forgiven., " is to be found in the context of Ro. 10:9,10.

since only God can forgive sin and it is only the elect who's sins are forgiven, Ja. 5:15
is speaking to an election unto eternal life while Ja. 5:14 is addressing " any " who are
sick... elect and non-elect alike... with physical maladies. the twelve were sent out by
Christ to " "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely
you have received, freely give. " ( Mt. 10:8 ) the purpose of which was to " say to them,
'The kingdom of God has come near to you. " Lk. 10:8,9.

in those days of signs performed by Christ that He is indeed the Promised Messiah healing
the physically ill was recorded in the Bible as miracles no one has ever done so as to be
a witness that God the Father has sent Him... Jesus Christ is the " Expected One. " Mt.

in like manner, the Apostles were instruments of God to perform miracles of healing so as
to bring attention to Jesus that He is the Promised One as we find recorded in Acts

the RCC has for centuries demonstrated its abhorrence for the Word of God and has
instituted a number of methods giving themselves the power over life and death and
forgiveness of sins through ceremonies valid only if they perform them. changing the Word
of God from Jesus Christ alone to them alone is exactly in keeping with the word of
Satan... " you will be like God. "
Edward Curtis
2009-09-30 13:05:31 UTC
Warning: old man joe is a troll who doesn't know what he's talking
about. For accurate information on Catholic teaching visit

Extreme Unction or Anointing of the sick as its called,  seeks to say that the recovery
from a grave illness leading to a near death experience and forgiveness of sins unto
eternal life are contained in this ' Last Rite ' performed by a minister of certain
Churches with certain ' blessed ' objects such as olive oil.
it is meant that recovery from physical illness is not assured the endangered one but
forgiveness unto eternal life, is... so says the edicts of the RCC.
it can be seen however, that Extreme Unction is just another idea to subject the Living
God to the dictates of the RCC much like their erasing of the Second Commandment so as to
legalize the worship of idols.
the idea of EU is taken from Ja. 5:14,15.  the English words translated " sick " in these
two passages are not the same Greek words in the God breathed text of Holy Scripture, thus
leading the reader to assume its meaning in Ja. 5:14 is the same as its meaning in v. 15,
which it is not.
in verse 14 the ' sick ' are those who are physically ill while in verse 15 the ' sick '
are those who are spiritually ill... only having been given the faith of Jesus Christ
saves by forgiving sin.  the phrase " the Lord will raise him up " is connected to being
raised up by God on the Last Day.  Jn. 6:40,44,54.  this conditions the meaning of the
word ' sick ' in v. 15.
what is conveyed by the word ' sick ' in Ja. 5:14 can be found in Lk. 4:40 for example...
" ... all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to Him; and
He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. "  illness of the body is in view.
what is conveyed in Ja. 5:15 by the different Greek word translated ' sick ' is exampled
in but three passages of the KJV of the Bible... Heb. 12:3;  Ja. 5:15;  and Rev. 2:3.
in these cases they are translated ' wearied; sick and fainted, '  respectively.
what makes the usage of the Greek word translated ' sick ' in Ja. 5:15 completely
different from an malady of the body is it's connection with the phrase " " the prayer of
faith "...  will save the sick. " "   the only other passage which speaks to " the prayer
of faith " which, as James continues by saying, "  if he has committed sins, he will be
forgiven., "  is to be found in the context of Ro. 10:9,10.
since only God can forgive sin and it is only the elect who's sins are forgiven, Ja. 5:15
is speaking to an election unto eternal life while Ja. 5:14 is addressing " any " who are
sick... elect and non-elect alike... with physical maladies.  the twelve were sent out by
Christ to " "Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely
you have received, freely give. " ( Mt. 10:8 ) the purpose of which was to " say to them,
'The kingdom of God has come near to you. "  Lk. 10:8,9.
in those days of signs performed by Christ that He is indeed the Promised Messiah healing
the physically ill was recorded in the Bible as miracles no one has ever done so as to be
a witness that God the Father has sent Him... Jesus Christ is the " Expected One. "  Mt.
in like manner, the Apostles were instruments of God to perform miracles of healing so as
to bring attention to Jesus that He is the Promised One as we find recorded in Acts
the RCC has for centuries demonstrated its abhorrence for the Word of God and has
instituted a number of methods giving themselves the power over life and death and
forgiveness of sins through ceremonies valid only if they perform them.  changing the Word
of God from Jesus Christ alone to them alone is exactly in keeping with the word of
Satan... " you will be like God. "
2009-10-01 11:12:53 UTC
Post by old man joe
Extreme Unction or Anointing of the sick as its called, seeks to say that the recovery
from a grave illness leading to a near death experience and forgiveness of sins unto
eternal life are contained in this ' Last Rite ' performed by a minister of certain
Churches with certain ' blessed ' objects such as olive oil.
it is meant that recovery from physical illness is not assured the endangered one but
forgiveness unto eternal life, is... so says the edicts of the RCC.
Mark 6:12-13 (New International Version)
12They went out and preached that people should repent. 13They drove out many
demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them.

Isn't God great - leaving us with a means to drive out demons thru the

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
