The Temple of Isis, " Queen of Heaven, " of pagan Rome became the Temple of Mary " Queen of Heaven. "
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-28 10:25:36 UTC
it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.

the Queen of Heaven as a title for female deity worship goes back to the days of
Jeremiah the prophet when God makes a proclamation that the worship of this imagined deity
is done to " spite " Him. ( Jer. 7:18 ) in the context that follows God has in turn marked
for death on the Day of Judgement all those who heap the praises of Satan on this and
other man made deities.

of interest is that the record of worship to this pagan goddess in Jeremiah's day is
exactly similar to the Roman Catholic Mass... that is to say, that Satan has found that
mankind in all ages has a preference for female deity worship as with Eve, and has
continued directing mankind to this kind of worship since these are in his snare to do his
will anyway. 2 Tim. 2:26

in the context of Jer.44 we find that the people devoted to female goddess worship have
a common creed... " we had plenty of food and were well off and saw no misfortune " when
the Queen of Heaven was the object of worship.

in the centuries since then, Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ has been given the title
" Queen of Heaven " by the Romish Church. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_Heaven
the Catholic Mass contains intention not only to express Theophagy but also to bring glory
to their Co-Redeemer, without which there is no salvation according to their traditions.

it's an amazing thing that no where does the Bible give authority to man to worship
idols and the apostles and early church did not follow such a heathen practice, but
centuries later the practice is declared to be necessary for salvation. amazing.

since the idea of the early days of the RCC was to bring in as many heathen as possible,
obviously not for the purpose of saving souls, it was found necessary that the allowance
of heathen idols into the fold would help bring in the people... in this was profit...
much people equal much plunder. the pagan idols of Rome were replaced by the pagan idols
the wealthy hierarchy of the RCC said were " saints, " ... icons to pray to, sacrifice to
and get rewards from... just like today.
2010-01-28 17:04:23 UTC
Post by old man joe
it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.
As I told your sorry butt in another ng - oh, bullshit.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Edward Curtis
2010-01-28 17:21:25 UTC
  it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.  
It is no secret that your first sentence is a bald-faced lie.

Rest of the garbage snipped. Go away, troll.

old man joe
2010-01-29 13:02:01 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
  it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.  
It is no secret that your first sentence is a bald-faced lie.
Rest of the garbage snipped. Go away, troll.
we notice that you avoid offering Scripture where God gives command to worship Mary.
2010-01-29 18:34:14 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Edward Curtis
  it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.  
It is no secret that your first sentence is a bald-faced lie.
Rest of the garbage snipped. Go away, troll.
we notice that you avoid offering Scripture where God gives command to worship Mary.
We notice that you avoid addressing my points when I show you that we follow
scripture and you don't.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Edward Curtis
2010-01-29 20:16:44 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.
It is no secret that your first sentence is a bald-faced lie.
Rest of the garbage snipped.  Go away, troll.
we notice that you avoid offering Scripture where God gives command to worship Mary.
There is no need to offer Scripture to defend something that we don't

2010-01-30 18:17:09 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.
It is no secret that your first sentence is a bald-faced lie.
Rest of the garbage snipped.  Go away, troll.
we notice that you avoid offering Scripture where God gives command to worship Mary.
There is no need to offer Scripture to defend something that we don't
The old fart is too stupid to understand.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

2010-01-28 23:24:17 UTC
  it is no secret that Mary, the mother of Jesus, is held to be above Messiah Jesus in
glory and saving power by Catholics world wide.  
  the Queen of Heaven as a title for female deity worship goes back to the days of
Jeremiah the prophet when God makes a proclamation that the worship of this imagined deity
is done to " spite " Him. ( Jer. 7:18 ) in the context that follows God has in turn marked
for death on the Day of Judgement all those who heap the praises of Satan on this and
other man made deities.
  of interest is that the record of worship to this pagan goddess in Jeremiah's day is
exactly similar to the Roman Catholic Mass... that is to say, that Satan has found that
mankind in all ages has a preference for female deity worship as with Eve, and has
continued directing mankind to this kind of worship since these are in his snare to do his
will anyway.  2 Tim. 2:26
  in the context of Jer.44 we find that the people devoted to female goddess worship have
a common creed... " we had plenty of food and were well off and saw no misfortune "  when
the Queen of Heaven was the object of worship.
  in the centuries since then, Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ has been given the title
" Queen of Heaven " by the Romish Church.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queen_of_Heaven
the Catholic Mass contains intention not only to express Theophagy but also to bring glory
to their Co-Redeemer, without which there is no salvation according to their traditions.
  it's an amazing thing that no where does the Bible give authority to man to worship
idols and the apostles and early church did not follow such a heathen practice, but
centuries later the practice is declared to be necessary for salvation.  amazing.
  since the idea of the early days of the RCC was to bring in as many heathen as possible,
obviously not for the purpose of saving souls, it was found necessary that the allowance
of heathen idols into the fold would help bring in the people... in this was profit...
much people equal much plunder.  the pagan idols of Rome were replaced by the pagan idols
the wealthy hierarchy of the RCC said were " saints, " ... icons to pray to, sacrifice to
and get rewards from... just like today.
You just get sillier and sillier everyday. Too bad you aren't funny
