People Do Not Have To
(too old to reply)
2011-02-03 07:46:43 UTC
People do not have to
wonder how Israel could
refuse Christ the LORD God
so much in the wilderness,
or afterwards in the Promised Land.

People do not have to wonder
how the world will refuse
Christ the LORD GOD so much
during the Tribulation generation
and afterwards during the judgments.

All people need do
is see how the world
has cast away the real Biblical Gospel twice,
first after the Apostles, then after the Reformers,
and how the world is refusing
Christ the LORD GOD today
on Christian newsgroups
in refusing the real Biblical Gospel
despite all that he has shown:

The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance,
broken the everlasting covenant.
(Isaiah 24:5 KJV)

Christ showed the real Biblical Gospel to me,
same as to Paul and Luther,
because the world had cast it away again,
and the world had returned to false "gospels"
that save no one at all.

Christ has caused the real Biblical Gospel
to be posted at my website
along with hundreds of Gospel articles
so that people in this generation
before the global Tribulation
may receive Christ as revealed in the real Gospel
and be taken by Christ at the Rapture:

Christ saves us by giving us faith to trust him
to be righteous for us forever for salvation.
(Romans 1:16-17, 3:22-23, 4:3-6, 5:17-19)

old man joe
2011-02-03 11:21:46 UTC
Post by Frank
People do not have to
wonder how Israel could
refuse Christ the LORD God
so much in the wilderness,
or afterwards in the Promised Land.
People do not have to wonder
how the world will refuse
Christ the LORD GOD so much
during the Tribulation generation
and afterwards during the judgments.
All people need do
is see how the world
has cast away the real Biblical Gospel twice,
first after the Apostles, then after the Reformers,
and how the world is refusing
Christ the LORD GOD today
on Christian newsgroups
in refusing the real Biblical Gospel
The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof;
because they have transgressed the laws,
changed the ordinance,
broken the everlasting covenant.
(Isaiah 24:5 KJV)
Christ showed the real Biblical Gospel to me,
same as to Paul and Luther,
because the world had cast it away again,
and the world had returned to false "gospels"
that save no one at all.
Christ has caused the real Biblical Gospel
to be posted at my website
along with hundreds of Gospel articles
so that people in this generation
before the global Tribulation
may receive Christ as revealed in the real Gospel
Christ saves us by giving us faith to trust him
to be righteous for us forever for salvation.
(Romans 1:16-17, 3:22-23, 4:3-6, 5:17-19)
the Tribulation is already upon and has been for two decades already... read the Bible.
1 Pet.4:17; Isa.1:21-21; Mt.24.
