The Bible says the soul that sins it will die but people say no, they have eternal life so even babies should burn in hell...
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old man joe
2009-12-26 11:02:20 UTC
they conclude this by a single parable of Holy Scripture found in Luke 16... the parable
of the rich man and Lazarus.

we know Lk. 16 is a parable since the context of that occasion in which Jesus tells the
parable actually begins in Lk. chapter 15:1. in v. 3 God declares the context to be in
parabolic language. the context changes in Lk. 17:1.

interestingly enough, the Bible says plainly that Abraham died and was buried in Gen. 25.

somehow, without ever receiving his glorified spiritual body, which comes at the Rapture
of all elect believer's with the exception of Moses, Elijah, Enoch and those raised from
the dead the moment Jesus died who've received their's, the rich man spoken of in this
parable " seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. " amazing that so many read
into this parable by denominational tradition neglecting the rest of what the Bible has to
say about what happens when the unbeliever expires.

not only did Abraham not yet receive his glorified spiritual body but the rich man, in
order to be alive beyond the grave, must have eternal life so as to burn in hell forever
and ever. and he must have his glorified spiritual body as well since the human body can
not possibly endue fire without returning to it's native elements of carbon, iron,
magnesium and so on. no where does the Bible teach an unbeliever receives a spiritual
body anymore than it teaches he is given eternal life.

proponents of this view can not find a single statement not taken out of context by a
bogus translation of Holy Scripture and show where God says the unbeliever has eternal
life. the philosophy of denominational tradition tells them so but not God's Word, the

is the Lord Jesus Christ referring to a seance where the dead are in a spirit world having
conversations with other spirit's ? that's what the perverter's of this parable are
really suggesting ever so subtly. they see the dead as having conversations with the
living, dead and buried as they are, bargaining with them over life eternal for someone
else though all the while not having had such concerns while they were alive.

furthermore, there is mercy only with the Living God, how is it then that this rich man is
asking Abraham for mercy ? the context is a parable and not a proof text where God throws
little babies in a burning, tormenting hell for all eternity. the wages of sin is death
and the soul who sins will die... not being given eternal life nor a glorified spiritual
body so as to endue a burning, tormenting hell forever.

the parable is teaching a lesson that those left behind will be weeping and gnashing teeth
as they find they've waisted their lives on folly on that day of the Rapture which
coincides with the first Day of Judgement, rather than seeking the Lord while He may be
Arky Bob
2009-12-27 04:25:43 UTC
they conclude this by a single parable of Holy Scripture found in Luke 16... the parable of the rich man and Lazarus.
Since when do parables give names of the people in them?

Are you a jehovah witness?
