The first of the Sabbath cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark... Jn. 20:1 the Sabbath is Sunday...
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old man joe
2009-12-03 13:37:39 UTC
to the shame of the Sabbatarians, preferring denominational tradition over the Word of
God, in the plainest of terms consistent with the other Gospel accounts of Jesus rising on
Sunday, here again in John 20:1 we find the word " week " incorrectly rendered from the
original text. in the original text we find in John 20:1 the word " Sabbath not " week."

complete harmony between text in the Holy Scripture illustrates the wonderful precision of
the Divine origin of the Word of God in all matter's of which He speaks.

we are told in Mt. 28:1 that the OT Sabbath as falling on Saturday is ended, and is now
since the rising of Jesus Christ from the grave on Sunday that Sunday is the Sabbath.

much more than that, the doctrine of the Sabbath is rest in the salvation which Christ
Himself provides. everyone who's been given His rest by Him is infilled with the Holy
Spirit and is taught of Him; one teaching being that the Saturday Sabbath no longer has
bearing on His elect ones since the Holy Scriptures teach plainly it is moved to Sunday in
honor of Jesus Christ rising from the dead, who, in turn, raises from among the dead His

while the Sabbatarians remain in a Saturday Sabbath, they by so doing are announcing to
the world they have not entered His rest... they are still trying to justify themselves by
the works of the Law by their boast in the flesh of how perfectly they're keeping the Ten
Commandments while Sunday observer's are not.

thanks be to God that the whole Word of God is the Law of God and not just the Ten
Commandments. we thank God that Jesus Christ God Eternal has paid the penalty in Himself
for His elect by keeping the whole Law of God which the elect have broken.

grace completely eludes the understanding of the those who have not entered His rest, that
is, salvation, regardless of which day they call the Sabbath, and these have tried to
use grace as a weapon to say that the elect have license to sin by it. we read that
anyone saying such is under condemnation in Ro. 3:8
2009-12-03 19:16:34 UTC
Post by old man joe
to the shame of the Sabbatarians, preferring denominational tradition over the Word of
God, in the plainest of terms consistent with the other Gospel accounts of Jesus rising on
Sunday, here again in John 20:1 we find the word " week " incorrectly rendered from the
original text. in the original text we find in John 20:1 the word " Sabbath not " week."
complete harmony between text in the Holy Scripture illustrates the wonderful precision of
the Divine origin of the Word of God in all matter's of which He speaks.
we are told in Mt. 28:1 that the OT Sabbath as falling on Saturday is ended, and is now
since the rising of Jesus Christ from the grave on Sunday that Sunday is the Sabbath.
Nope, the Jewish Sabbath, = 7th day - a day of rest, is still from Friday at 6pm
to Saturday at 6pm. Jesus rose on the 1st day of the new covenant - after 6pm

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