Why did early man not encounter a dinosaur since they co-existed ? ...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-12-20 11:08:47 UTC
the time line of earth history invented by the Atheists do not at all come close to
reality concerning anything of which they speak. after all, to suppose life comes from
things not alive by reason of the elements of which they are comprised only shows " the
ignorance that is in them " ( Eph. 4:18 ) and that these have a character of heart
comparable to the " unreasoning animals " God labels them as having.
2 Pet. 2:12

since one of the many names God reveals Himself by is " The Life, " ( Jn. 14:6 ) no
Atheistic philosophy can possibly demonstrate how the elements comprising living thing's
exist alive without Him.

in the first chapter of Genesis we see that in the same week God created all living
things. dinosaur's and man existed together from that time until the Flood... a span of
some 6 thousand years. the genealogies of certain men recorded in the Bible give the time
of Creation, and ultimately the life span of the earth and universe as just over 13
thousand years.

interestingly enough, one might ask how it could be that Adam and his family weren't life
threatened by carnivore dinosaur's. a fair question. the Bible gives the location of the
Garden of Eden by reason of it's the four rivers mentioned, three of which are still with
us today. we know that the grace of God feeds the non elect as well as His elect.
Mt. 5:45

there are no dinosaur fossils found in the area of the four rivers where God placed Adam
and civilization began. the dinosaur's became part of all of the crude oil buried in the
ground found today in that region of Mesopotamia.

( for all that crude oil to be found on dry land there once had to be massive organic life
on top of the ground quickly buried by a flood, the Flood of Noah )

the most ancient cities of man are located in Mesopotamia, not in Africa as the Atheists
hope. their idea is that man existed as man for some 200,000 years in Africa and in that
space of time he never built a city there. neither did writing come about in his 2
hundred thousand years of existence in Africa. but when we study the area of Mesopotamia
as the birthplace of man since the Garden was there, we find civilized man building cities
and writing things down on clay.

the Atheists must invent their facts as they go along. the earliest writings on clay are
dated between 5,200 and 5,500 years old and are found in the oldest civilizations found,
all of which are in Mesopotamia, not Africa. the Atheists need Africa as their starting
point because monkey bones abound there and its necessary for them to say they found human
bones to ' prove ' there point all the while it's monkey bones... huh, if they really,
really want to prove their point, let them prove how life comes from non living elements.
note that they must, of necessity, steer around that. their foundation begins on the
second floor.

a speculation is in order at this point... suppose the typical God hating Atheist digs up
a carnivor skeleton and the bones of a human are inside its rib cage. can be suppose for
a moment that the God hating Atheist is going to go the way of " The Truth, " another of
the many names of the Living God, or can we rightly suppose he'll default to the only life
he's accustomed to ?

" Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good,
that are accustomed to do evil. " Jer. 13:23

" You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks
out of that which fills the heart. " Mt. 12:34
2009-12-21 19:16:18 UTC
Post by old man joe
the time line of earth history invented by the Atheists do not at all come close to
reality concerning anything of which they speak. after all, to suppose life comes from
things not alive by reason of the elements of which they are comprised only shows " the
ignorance that is in them " ( Eph. 4:18 ) and that these have a character of heart
comparable to the " unreasoning animals " God labels them as having.
2 Pet. 2:12
since one of the many names God reveals Himself by is " The Life, " ( Jn. 14:6 ) no
Atheistic philosophy can possibly demonstrate how the elements comprising living thing's
exist alive without Him.
in the first chapter of Genesis we see that in the same week God created all living
things. dinosaur's and man existed together from that time until the Flood... a span of
some 6 thousand years. the genealogies of certain men recorded in the Bible give the time
of Creation, and ultimately the life span of the earth and universe as just over 13
thousand years.
interestingly enough, one might ask how it could be that Adam and his family weren't life
threatened by carnivore dinosaur's. a fair question. the Bible gives the location of the
Garden of Eden by reason of it's the four rivers mentioned, three of which are still with
us today. we know that the grace of God feeds the non elect as well as His elect.
Mt. 5:45
there are no dinosaur fossils found in the area of the four rivers where God placed Adam
and civilization began. the dinosaur's became part of all of the crude oil buried in the
ground found today in that region of Mesopotamia.
Texas is another matter:

Dinosaur/Human Footprints

Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed

This is interesting, as it shows what some evolutionists will resort to

Dinosaur and Human Fossils Together

Wherever anything like the above is found (and there are hundreds of
examples), the evolutionists are quick to cry "Fraud!" and attempt to
discredit it by any means necessary, including bullying, bribing and/or
destroying the evidence, if they can. What they actually gain is beyond me
to understand, but their goal is definitely not the practice of "good
science", since they vociferously discourage true, open-minded scientific

Jesus is Lord,
Post by old man joe
( for all that crude oil to be found on dry land there once had to be massive organic life
on top of the ground quickly buried by a flood, the Flood of Noah )
the most ancient cities of man are located in Mesopotamia, not in Africa as the Atheists
hope. their idea is that man existed as man for some 200,000 years in Africa and in that
space of time he never built a city there. neither did writing come about in his 2
hundred thousand years of existence in Africa. but when we study the area of Mesopotamia
as the birthplace of man since the Garden was there, we find civilized man building cities
and writing things down on clay.
the Atheists must invent their facts as they go along. the earliest writings on clay are
dated between 5,200 and 5,500 years old and are found in the oldest civilizations found,
all of which are in Mesopotamia, not Africa. the Atheists need Africa as their starting
point because monkey bones abound there and its necessary for them to say they found human
bones to ' prove ' there point all the while it's monkey bones... huh, if they really,
really want to prove their point, let them prove how life comes from non living elements.
note that they must, of necessity, steer around that. their foundation begins on the
second floor.
a speculation is in order at this point... suppose the typical God hating Atheist digs up
a carnivor skeleton and the bones of a human are inside its rib cage. can be suppose for
a moment that the God hating Atheist is going to go the way of " The Truth, " another of
the many names of the Living God, or can we rightly suppose he'll default to the only life
he's accustomed to ?
" Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good,
that are accustomed to do evil. " Jer. 13:23
" You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks
out of that which fills the heart. " Mt. 12:34
Fred Thomas
2009-12-21 21:24:46 UTC
Post by Pax
Post by old man joe
the time line of earth history invented by the Atheists do not at all come close to
reality concerning anything of which they speak. after all, to suppose life comes from
things not alive by reason of the elements of which they are comprised only shows " the
ignorance that is in them " ( Eph. 4:18 ) and that these have a character of heart
comparable to the " unreasoning animals " God labels them as having.
2 Pet. 2:12
since one of the many names God reveals Himself by is " The Life, " ( Jn. 14:6 ) no
Atheistic philosophy can possibly demonstrate how the elements comprising living thing's
exist alive without Him.
in the first chapter of Genesis we see that in the same week God created all living
things. dinosaur's and man existed together from that time until the Flood... a span of
some 6 thousand years. the genealogies of certain men recorded in the Bible
give the time
of Creation, and ultimately the life span of the earth and universe as just over 13
thousand years.
interestingly enough, one might ask how it could be that Adam and his family weren't life
threatened by carnivore dinosaur's. a fair question. the Bible gives the
location of the
Garden of Eden by reason of it's the four rivers mentioned, three of which are still with
us today. we know that the grace of God feeds the non elect as well as His elect.
Mt. 5:45
there are no dinosaur fossils found in the area of the four rivers where God placed Adam
and civilization began. the dinosaur's became part of all of the crude oil buried in the
ground found today in that region of Mesopotamia.
Dinosaur/Human Footprints
Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed
This is interesting, as it shows what some evolutionists will resort to
Dinosaur and Human Fossils Together
Wherever anything like the above is found (and there are hundreds of
examples), the evolutionists are quick to cry "Fraud!" and attempt to
discredit it by any means necessary, including bullying, bribing and/or
destroying the evidence, if they can. What they actually gain is beyond me to
understand, but their goal is definitely not the practice of "good science",
since they vociferously discourage true, open-minded scientific inquiry.
It would seem to a logical person that if your going to use reference material,
it ought to be from credible sources.

These "scientists" discredit them selves.

he following is a list of prominent (or once-prominent) creationists whose only
doctoral degrees are either honorary or of suspicious origin. A degree is
considered to be of suspicious origin if it was earned from a "degree mill" or
an unlocatable institution. A degree mill is defined as any degree-granting body
that is not accredited by a federally recognized accreditation body.
It would be wrong to infer from this list that all creationists have suspicious
credentials. In fact, a good number of prominent creationists have legitimate --
even noteworthy -- doctoral degrees in scientific fields. For example, Duane
Gish earned a doctorate in biochemistry from Berkeley, Steve Austin earned a
doctorate in geology from Pennsylvania State University, and Kurt Wise earned
his doctorate in paleontology from Harvard while studying under Stephen Jay
Gould. So just because a few well-known creationists failed to earn their
graduate degrees the traditional way does not mean that all or even most of them
Thomas Barnes
Thomas Barnes, formerly affiliated with the Institute for Creation Research, is
perhaps best known for the argument that the decay of the Earth's magnetic field
is proof of its young age.
Barnes, who is an emeritus professor of physics at The University of Texas at El
Paso, holds a legitimate M.S. degree in physics from Brown University. However,
his Sc.D. degree from Hardin-Simmons University, a Christian school and his
undergraduate alma mater (when it was known as Hardin-Simmons College), is
merely honorary.
(Thomas Barnes the creationist is not to be confused with the University of
Texas at Austin's Thomas G. Barnes III, who is a highly respected astronomer and
senior research scientist of the McDonald Observatory.)
Carl Baugh
(b. ?) Carl Baugh is best known as a tireless proponent of the claim that human
footprints appear alongside dinosaur tracks in the Paluxy Riverbed of Glen Rose,
Texas. He has appeared on numerous Christian radio talkshows and was even touted
as an "expert" on the 1996 NBC pseudoscience program, The Mysterious Origins of
Man. He operates a small museum out of Glen Rose, Texas.
Baugh is a Baptist minister who claims to be an archeologist with a Ph.D. from
the California Graduate School of Theology in Los Angeles. This school is
unaccredited by the Western Assocation of Schools and Colleges, the primary body
responsible for college and university accreditation in the region. It is also
unaccredited by the state of California, although it is listed as "approved".
Baugh has also claimed Ph.D. degrees in education and anthropology from the
Pacific College of Graduate Studies in Melbourne, Australia and the College of
Advanced Education in Irving, Texas. According to Glen Kuban, who has thoroughly
researched Baugh's Paluxy "man-track" claims and his credentials, neither
Pacific College nor the College of Advanced Education is accredited or
authorized by any regional or national body to grant degrees [4]. Pacific
College is a small religious school run by Australian creationist Clifford
Wilson, a close associate of Baugh's. The College of Advanced Education is a
division of the International Baptist College, of which Baugh himself is
Baugh's dissertation for his degree from Pacific College is titled "Academic
Justification for Voluntary Inclusion of Scientific Creation in Public Classroom
Curricula, Supported by Evidence that Man and dinosaurs were Contemporary". Its
contents include descriptions of his field-work on the Paluxy river
"man-tracks", speculation about Charles Darwin's religious beliefs and phobias,
and odd ramblings about the biblical Adam's mental excellence.
Richard Bliss
Richard Bliss, formerly a member of the ICR staff, claimed to be "a recognized
expert in the field of science education" and was co-author of a "two-model"
book that creationists have pushed for use in the public school system.
Bliss claimed to earn a D.Ed. from the University of Sarasota in 1978. A
previous version of this article described the university as a "diploma mill
operating out of a Florida motel" as late as 1984. However, the university's
status has since improved. The University of Sarasota was accredited in 1990 by
the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to grant masters and doctoral
degrees. According to the 1997 edition of Bears' Guide to Earning College
Degrees Nontraditionally [1], a student's total residency at the University of
Sarasota can be as short as six weeks.
Clifford Burdick
Clifford Burdick, a researcher for the Creation Research Society and a member of
the Creation-Science Research Center, is a "flood" geologist who has spent forty
years trying to prove that giant humans once roamed the earth and even mingled
with the dinosaurs.
Burdick has displayed a copy of his Ph.D. from the University of Physical
Sciences (Phoenix, Arizona) in Carl Baugh's Glen Rose Creation Evidence Museum.
According to Ronald Numbers' The Creationists [2]: "[Creationist Walter
Lammerts'] inquiries revealed the University of Physical Science to be nothing
more than a registered trademark. As described in its memographed bulletin, 'The
University is not an educational institution, but a society of individuals of
common interest for the advancement of physical science. There are no campus,
professors or tuition fee.'"
John Grebe
John Grebe, an old-earth creationist and a founding member of the Creation
Research Society, was a physical chemist and inventor. His Sc.D. degree from
Case School of Applied Science was merely honorary.
Kent Hovind
(b. 1953)
Kent Hovind is a young-earth creationist who gives frequent public lectures on
evolution and creationism. He is well-known for repeating the claim that the
remains of a basking shark found by Japanese fishermen off the coast of New
Zealand were actually those of a recently deceased plesiosaur.
Hovind claims to possess a masters degree and a doctorate in education from
Patriot University in Colorado. According to Hovind, his 250-page dissertation
was on the topic of the dangers of teaching evolution in the public schools.
Formerly affiliated with Hilltop Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, Colorado,
Patriot University is accredited only by the American Accrediting Association of
Theological Institutions, an accreditation mill that provides accreditation for
a $100 charge. Patriot University has moved to Alamosa, Colorado and continues
to offer correspondence courses for $15 to $32 per credit. The school's catalog
contains course descriptions but no listing of the school's faculty or their
credentials. Name It and Frame It lists Patriot University as a degree mill [3].
Don Patton
(b. 1941)
Don Patton is a young-earth creationist who, along with Carl Baugh, is known as
a proponent of the claim that human footprints appear alongside dinosaur tracks
in the Paluxy Riverbed of Glen Rose, Texas.
Patton has claimed Ph.D. candidacy in geology from Queensland Christian
University in Australia. According to Glen Kuban:
When I asked Patton for clarification on this during the [1989 Bible-Science]
conference, he stated that he had no degrees, but was about to receive a Ph.D.
degree in geology, pending accreditation of QCU, which he assured me was "three
days away." Many days have since passed, and Patton still has no valid degree in
geology. Nor is the accreditation of QCU imminent. [4]
Glen Kuban has written more extensively on Patton's claimed degrees in his
articles on the Paluxy "man-tracks".
Kelly Segraves
(b. 1942)
Kelly Segraves is the director and co-founder of the Creation-Science Research
Center (not to be confused with the Creation Research Society).
In 1975, Segraves listed himself as M.A. and D.Sc. on CSRC letterhead. Segraves
claimed his honorary D.Sc. from Christian University, but no such university
could be located. It is possible that he was referring to Indiana Christian
University, which also conferred an honorary doctorate on Harold Slusher (see
below). After having this degree called into question, Segraves dropped the
D.Sc. in 1981 and now lists D.R.E. in its place. A D.R.E. degree is a doctorate
of religious education and does not qualify as a scientific degree.
Segraves also claims to have received his M.A. from Sequoia University in 1972.
According to Bears' Guide [1], Sequoia University was issued a permanent
injunction in 1984 by a Los Angeles judge and ordered to "cease operation until
the school could comply with state education laws." The school offered degrees
in osteopathic medicine, religious studies, hydrotherapy and physical sciences.
Harold Slusher
(b. 1934)
Harold S. Slusher, formerly of the Institute for Creation Research, is best
known for his critiques of radiometric dating techniques. He is also known for
the rather bizarre suggestion that the universe is much smaller than it appears,
because its geometry is Riemannian as opposed to Euclidean.
Slusher claims to hold an honorary D.Sc. from Indiana Christian University and a
Ph.D. in geophysics from Columbia Pacific University. Robert Schadewald
discovered that Indiana Christian University is a Bible College with only a 1/2
man graduate science department. As for Columbia Pacific, it "exhibits several
qualities of a degree mill" [3]. Ronald Numbers describes CPU as
an unaccredited correspondence school that recruited students with the lure of a
degree "in less than a year." Slusher's dissertation consisted of a manila
folder containing copies of five memographed ICR "technical monographs" and a
copy of the ICR graduate school catalog, all held together with a rubber band.
The supervising professor was his creationist colleague from El Paso and the
ICR, [Thomas] Barnes, who himself possessed only an honorary doctorate. [2]
According to Bears' Guide [1], Columbia Pacific was denied its application for
state license renewal in early 1996 for undisclosed reasons. The university
appealed the decision in late 1996, but the appeal had not been acted upon by
the time Bears' Guide went to press.

This document is a heavily revised version of an article written for
talk.origins by Michael Cranford. I would like to thank Richard Trott, Robert
Schadewald, Jim Foley, and Ed Brayton for their helpful information, comments
and suggestions.

[1] John B. Bear and Mariah P. Bear, Bears' Guide to Earning College Degrees
Nontraditionally (C&B Publishing, Benicia, California 1997).
[2] Ronald Numbers, The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism
(University of California Press, Berkeley, 1991).
[3] Steve Levikoff, Name It and Frame It? New Opportunities in Adult Education
and How to Avoid Being Ripped Off by 'Christian' Degree Mills, 4th ed. (1995),
available at <http://training.loyola.edu/cdld/nifi.html>, last accessed on June
24, 1998.
[4] Glen Kuban, The Texas Dinosaur/"Man Track" Controversy (1986), available at
<http://paleo.cc/paluxy/paluxy.htm>, last accessed on June 24, 1998.
Post by Pax
Jesus is Lord,
Post by old man joe
( for all that crude oil to be found on dry land there once had to be massive
organic life
on top of the ground quickly buried by a flood, the Flood of Noah )
the most ancient cities of man are located in Mesopotamia, not in Africa as the Atheists
hope. their idea is that man existed as man for some 200,000 years in Africa and in that
space of time he never built a city there. neither did writing come about in his 2
hundred thousand years of existence in Africa. but when we study the area of Mesopotamia
as the birthplace of man since the Garden was there, we find civilized man
building cities
and writing things down on clay.
the Atheists must invent their facts as they go along. the earliest writings on clay are
dated between 5,200 and 5,500 years old and are found in the oldest civilizations found,
all of which are in Mesopotamia, not Africa. the Atheists need Africa as their starting
point because monkey bones abound there and its necessary for them to say
they found human
bones to ' prove ' there point all the while it's monkey bones... huh, if they really,
really want to prove their point, let them prove how life comes from non living elements.
note that they must, of necessity, steer around that. their foundation begins on the
second floor.
a speculation is in order at this point... suppose the typical God hating Atheist digs up
a carnivor skeleton and the bones of a human are inside its rib cage. can be suppose for
a moment that the God hating Atheist is going to go the way of " The Truth, " another of
the many names of the Living God, or can we rightly suppose he'll default to
the only life
he's accustomed to ?
" Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? then may ye also do good,
that are accustomed to do evil. " Jer. 13:23
" You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good? For the mouth speaks
out of that which fills the heart. " Mt. 12:34