Catholics would not find heaven a worthwhile place... no iworship of graven images there...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-28 12:28:34 UTC
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.

they would be naked without them.

a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God, that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.

" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5

if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as having idols.

since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.

they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in His grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
2010-01-28 17:02:33 UTC
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.
Of course, anyone who knows the Catholic Church well knows that there is no idol
worship in the RCC. But for someone ignorant like you that gets his lies from
chick tracts, well, ..............you're not bright enough to understand better.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Fred Thomas
2010-01-28 22:06:38 UTC
Post by duke
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.
Of course, anyone who knows the Catholic Church well knows that there is no idol
worship in the RCC. But for someone ignorant like you that gets his lies from
chick tracts, well, ..............you're not bright enough to understand better.
The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
another bold faced lie.
IT Helpdesk
2010-01-28 23:38:44 UTC
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.
they would be naked without them.
a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God, that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as having idols.
since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in His grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.

The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.

You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
old man joe
2010-01-29 09:51:59 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.
they would be naked without them.
a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God, that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as having idols.
since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in His grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her. this is idol worship.

through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
2010-01-29 13:55:31 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many superstitions.
they would be naked without them.
a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as having idols.
since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in
grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her. this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
By using your silly argument one can say that you worship a book made from
old man joe
2010-01-30 10:48:43 UTC
Post by HD
Post by old man joe
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many
they would be naked without them.
a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as having idols.
since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in
grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her. this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
By using your silly argument one can say that you worship a book made from
my argument is silly to you because God's Word the Bible is silly to you.
Fred Thomas
2010-01-30 13:35:03 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by HD
Post by old man joe
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many
they would be naked without them.
a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
" You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as
having idols.
since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not in
grace unto
salvation. they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to
her are made to
her in front of graven images of her. this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
By using your silly argument one can say that you worship a book made from
my argument is silly to you because God's Word the Bible is silly to you.
Is the Egyptian book of the dead silly to you? Are the sacred texts of the
Hindus silly to you? Is the Vend Avesta silly to you?
2010-01-29 18:29:44 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her. this is idol worship.
You mean like on grave markers of loved ones that died, or like the Tomb of the
Unknown Soldier?

Oh, you didn't think of that, did you omj.
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
What erased. No other gods before almighty God covers idols. Heeheehee. Dummy.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Edward Curtis
2010-01-29 20:24:51 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
 through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give
credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many
 they would be naked without them.
 a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God,
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
 " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
 if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as
having idols.
 since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
 they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not  in His
grace unto
salvation.  they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary.  It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable.  there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her.  this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
You sure like repeating yourself, eh, Old Man Joe?

You are judging by the outside, but God looks at the heart. (I Samuel
16:7) And God knows that faithful Catholics do not worship idols.

old man joe
2010-01-30 10:45:39 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by IT Helpdesk
 through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give
credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many
 they would be naked without them.
 a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God,
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
 " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
 if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as
having idols.
 since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
 they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not  in His
grace unto
salvation.  they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary.  It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable.  there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her.  this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
You sure like repeating yourself, eh, Old Man Joe?
You are judging by the outside, but God looks at the heart. (I Samuel
16:7) And God knows that faithful Catholics do not worship idols.
here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.


2010-01-30 18:14:27 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by IT Helpdesk
 through devilish rewording of the Holy Scriptures in order to give
credence to
worshiping idols, Catholicism and idols go hand in hand as do their many
 they would be naked without them.
 a statue of Mary on some ones front lawn shows the world, as well as God,
that the
people in the house have no respect even for His First Commandment and it
is not to be
obeyed... let alone the rest of God's Commandments.
 " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in
heaven above or
on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth.  You shall not
worship them or serve
them... " Ex. 20:4,5
 if the Holy Spirit was in them they wouldn't be doing such things as
having idols.
 since the First Commandment forbids making of any likeness of what is in
heaven as well
as worshiping these likenesses, they are without excuse.
 they make themselves false witnesses of God and are certainly not  in His
grace unto
salvation.  they also keep body parts in their altars of people they say
are ' saints. '
not much different than witch doctors keeping shrunken heads.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary.  It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable.  there's plenty of pictures on the
Internet of Catholics adorning idols of Mary with flower's... prayer's to her are made to
her in front of graven images of her.  this is idol worship.
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
You sure like repeating yourself, eh, Old Man Joe?
You are judging by the outside, but God looks at the heart. (I Samuel
16:7) And God knows that faithful Catholics do not worship idols.
That's over old man joe's head. He's too wrapped up in blasphemy of the Holy

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Edward Curtis
2010-01-29 20:27:33 UTC
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
Pick up a Catholic Bible (New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, RSV-
CE) sometime, and turn to Exodus. You will find the First Commandment
whole and intact in those Bibles.

Despite your lie, The Bible IS the Word of God in Catholicism. When
the Bible is read at Mass, the reader concludes, "THE WORD OF THE
LORD". And we reply, "THANKS BE TO GOD."

old man joe
2010-01-30 10:47:22 UTC
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
Pick up a Catholic Bible (New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, RSV-
CE) sometime, and turn to Exodus. You will find the First Commandment
whole and intact in those Bibles.
Despite your lie, The Bible IS the Word of God in Catholicism. When
the Bible is read at Mass, the reader concludes, "THE WORD OF THE
LORD". And we reply, "THANKS BE TO GOD."
if the Bible had any meaning to a Catholic they would not have erased the First
Commandment so as to get permission to worship idols. the idol and the Catholic are

here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.



Edward Curtis
2010-01-30 13:01:32 UTC
Post by old man joe
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules )  therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
Pick up a Catholic Bible (New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, RSV-
CE) sometime, and turn to Exodus.  You will find the First Commandment
whole and intact in those Bibles.
Despite your lie, The Bible IS the Word of God in Catholicism.  When
the Bible is read at Mass, the reader concludes, "THE WORD OF THE
LORD".  And we reply, "THANKS BE TO GOD."
if the Bible had any meaning to a Catholic they would not have erased the First
Commandment so as to get permission to worship idols.  the idol and the Catholic are
here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.

Again, we did NOT erase the first Commandment, and we do NOT worship
idols. Again, you are judging by the outside, but God looks at the
heart (I Samuel 16:7).

It is obvious that you are invincibly ignorant of the truth about what
Catholicism teaches us to do, and not to do.

I pray that will be enough to save you when you meet God at the

I'm done with you. Bye.

2010-01-31 00:28:38 UTC
On Fri, 29 Jan 2010 12:27:33 -0800 (PST), Edward Curtis
Post by Edward Curtis
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word
overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
Pick up a Catholic Bible (New American Bible, New Jerusalem Bible, RSV-
CE) sometime, and turn to Exodus. You will find the First Commandment
whole and intact in those Bibles.
Despite your lie, The Bible IS the Word of God in Catholicism. When
the Bible is read at Mass, the reader concludes, "THE WORD OF THE
LORD". And we reply, "THANKS BE TO GOD."
if the Bible had any meaning to a Catholic they would not have erased the First
Commandment so as to get permission to worship idols. the idol and the Catholic are
Keep on lying old man, in the name of Jesus.
here's a few link's to the utterly laughable pictures of their Pope and other Catholic's
worshiping graven images of Mary.