(too old to reply)
2010-01-22 18:33:30 UTC

Every single person needs to pray for their selves. If the Chinese are
planning a surprise nuclear attack on America or not.

The Chinese leadership are prejudice to the max against all other
races. They call us pale pigs. Unhealth skinned weaklings.

They are much worse than Hitler. When they made their plan their
people were starving to death. They put restrictions on how many
children Chinese parents could have. While the rest of the world made
babies like fruitflys.

They made their plan 30, or so, years ago. And it is the duty of the
current leadership of China to follow it through. For the long time
survival of their people. Being superior, as they think they are. They
need to get rid of the other species of the human race that are on
this planet.

Like it or not that is the way that it is in the eyes of the Chinese
leadership. GOD made it that way for them, years and years ago. And
now their plan has came to a head. Right on time for GOD ALMIGHTY. It
just happens that GOD ALMIGHTY has almost ran out of infant children
for us, in our group of children.

Their children from previous groups of children, are here on this
planet, as Holy Ghosts, to help us, and OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS through
this war.

If you would like guidance about this, you need to prayerfully inquire
of GOD for yourself.


Where is the Chinese Navy right now? Is it in groups of about 10 ships
each, spread out all over both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
Meandering around.

Are some ships within 12 hours of U.S. soil? If they came in waves,
would there be like 2 or 3 days of Chinese ships arriving on U.S. soil
each day?

How many nuclear submarines do the Chinese have? How many of them are
within striking distance of U.S. soil, at this time? And how many
nuclear misses does each one have?

Can GOD answer these questions for you individually if you pray at
least three times a day? What did GOD say to you? Can you and GOD come
to a mutual agreement about what needs to be done? Individual prayer
is what is required. For everyone.

OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS are not going to change their minds. This war is
going to happen. Even OUR HEAVENLY PARENS have no choice at this time.

All of their children from their previous groups of children, are
here to help them, with us, through this war. The clock is ticking.
There is no way out.

Pray yourself to sleep every day and night, or you may find that you
never wake up again. When you see GOD talk to you, obey HIM, or die.
Woody Brison
2010-01-23 23:57:19 UTC
Post by thussaithgod
Every single person needs to pray for their selves. If the Chinese are
planning a surprise nuclear attack on America or not.
The Chinese leadership are prejudice to the max against all other
races. They call us pale pigs. Unhealth skinned weaklings.
They are much worse than Hitler. When they made their plan their
people were starving to death. They put restrictions on how many
children Chinese parents could have. While the rest of the world made
babies like fruitflys.
They made their plan 30, or so, years ago. And it is the duty of the
current leadership of China to follow it through. For the long time
survival of their people. Being superior, as they think they are. They
need to get rid of the other species of the human race that are on
this planet.
Like it or not that is the way that it is in the eyes of the Chinese
leadership. GOD made it that way for them, years and years ago. And
now their plan has came to a head. Right on time for GOD ALMIGHTY. It
just happens that GOD ALMIGHTY has almost ran out of infant children
for us, in our group of children.
Their children from previous groups of children, are here on this
planet, as Holy Ghosts, to help us, and OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS through
this war.
If you would like guidance about this, you need to prayerfully inquire
of GOD for yourself.
Where is the Chinese Navy right now? Is it in groups of about 10 ships
each, spread out all over both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans?
Meandering around.
 Are some ships within 12 hours of U.S. soil? If they came in waves,
would there be like 2 or 3 days of Chinese ships arriving on U.S. soil
each day?
 How many nuclear submarines do the Chinese have? How many of them are
within striking distance of U.S. soil, at this time? And how many
nuclear misses does each one have?
 Can GOD answer these questions for you individually if you pray at
least three times a day? What did GOD say to you? Can you and GOD come
to a mutual agreement about what needs to be done? Individual prayer
is what is required. For everyone.
 OUR HEAVENLY PARENTS are not going to change their minds. This war is
going to happen. Even OUR HEAVENLY PARENS have no choice at this time.
 All of their children from their previous groups of children, are
here to help them, with us, through this war. The clock is ticking.
There is no way out.
 Pray yourself to sleep every day and night, or you may find that you
never wake up again. When you see GOD talk to you, obey HIM, or die.
Are you saying that the Chinese will attack the U.S. mainland
by Jan. 29 2010? If so please state it clearly. So you can
have a witness that you have flipped your wig.
