Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image... to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-21 23:00:58 UTC
" Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image,
neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the
LORD your God. " Le. 26:1


the pretenders to the faith of Jesus Christ have erased the First Commandment out of the
10 Commandments in order to make Mary the goddess and Co-Redeemer of one of the most
repugnant religions on earth for the past 1700 or so years.

therefore they worship graven images of Mary... purposely made to look like a Gentile
woman in order to draw in other pretenders who otherwise find no nearness to God

while they feed on traditions made up out of the minds of idol worshipers coming centuries
before them, the thinking is the same... let someone else build my belief system for me...
no need to humble oneself and come to God's Word the Bible and search out the truth spoken

anyone can search the Internet and find scores of RCC sites explaining away idol worship
as a benefit to the soul. one will even find pictures of the last Pope prostrating
himself to an idol of Mary. yet, these people think such an office as Pope overrules the
Living God who declares not to do such thing's.

passing by a Catholic building has its graven images right out in front of it showing the
world their devotion to idol worship. their Mass, then, is nothing more than sacrifices
to idol's as they burn incense to the god of the spiritually dead.
IT Helpdesk
2010-01-22 02:08:32 UTC
Post by old man joe
" Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image,
neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the
LORD your God. " Le. 26:1
the pretenders to the faith of Jesus Christ have erased the First Commandment out of the
10 Commandments in order to make Mary the goddess and Co-Redeemer of one of the most
repugnant religions on earth for the past 1700 or so years.
therefore they worship graven images of Mary... purposely made to look like a Gentile
woman in order to draw in other pretenders who otherwise find no nearness to God
while they feed on traditions made up out of the minds of idol worshipers coming centuries
before them, the thinking is the same... let someone else build my belief system for me...
no need to humble oneself and come to God's Word the Bible and search out the truth spoken
anyone can search the Internet and find scores of RCC sites explaining away idol worship
as a benefit to the soul. one will even find pictures of the last Pope prostrating
himself to an idol of Mary. yet, these people think such an office as Pope overrules the
Living God who declares not to do such thing's.
passing by a Catholic building has its graven images right out in front of it showing the
world their devotion to idol worship. their Mass, then, is nothing more than sacrifices
to idol's as they burn incense to the god of the spiritually dead.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.

The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.

You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
2010-01-22 13:03:07 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by old man joe
" Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image,
neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto
it: for I am the
LORD your God. " Le. 26:1
the pretenders to the faith of Jesus Christ have erased the First Commandment out of the
10 Commandments in order to make Mary the goddess and Co-Redeemer of one of the most
repugnant religions on earth for the past 1700 or so years.
therefore they worship graven images of Mary... purposely made to look like a Gentile
woman in order to draw in other pretenders who otherwise find no nearness to God
while they feed on traditions made up out of the minds of idol worshipers
coming centuries
before them, the thinking is the same... let someone else build my belief
system for me...
no need to humble oneself and come to God's Word the Bible and search out
the truth spoken
anyone can search the Internet and find scores of RCC sites explaining away idol worship
as a benefit to the soul. one will even find pictures of the last Pope prostrating
himself to an idol of Mary. yet, these people think such an office as Pope overrules the
Living God who declares not to do such thing's.
passing by a Catholic building has its graven images right out in front of it showing the
world their devotion to idol worship. their Mass, then, is nothing more than sacrifices
to idol's as they burn incense to the god of the spiritually dead.
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
That's only the tip of his iceberg hatred of Catholics.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI

2010-01-22 03:35:55 UTC
Post by old man joe
" Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image,
neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the
LORD your God. "   Le. 26:1
the pretenders to the faith of Jesus Christ have erased the First Commandment out of the
10 Commandments in order to make Mary the goddess and Co-Redeemer of one of the most
repugnant religions on earth for the past 1700 or so years.
In all of the Usenet groups I belong to or read, you have to be the
most stupid of any poster. Congratulation for being the All-Time Most
Stupid idiot on Usenet!

Only Christianity could make a person as stupid and silly as you.
Your mother must be so proud.
