Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship Him, all ye gods. Ps. 97:7
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2009-11-13 11:53:17 UTC
when taking a look at the heathen world of the East it is plain to see that the
denominations aligning themselves with Jesus Christ are no different in appearance and
substance... they must have graven images to feel they are complete and owned by their

the absence of the Life of Christ invokes a need in man to erect for himself all types of
gods to which he can pay homage, to which he can offer sacrifices of whatever sort he can
devise, to propitiate his sins unto them by obeying the creed his priests to these gods
teach is the correct approach.

devoid of the Life of God these make a pious display of reverence so as to be seen by
their faithful, wearing garments as colorful as their many doctrines... the more adornment
the more pious these try to appear so as to convince themselves and other's of their
affinity to the God of the living.

Christ Himself addresses this sort of show in the flesh when He says... " But they do all
their deeds to be noticed by men; for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the
tassels of their garments. " ( Mt. 23:5 ) the showery they can look to be the more proud
and righteous in heart they suppose themselves. these are certainly not humble; these are
hypocrites... an OT and NT word meaning an actor on a stage; a pretentious counterfeit; a
person who holds a bitterness towards the Living God.

and so it is as Christ levels many accusations against such. these types are the worst of
the worst... now it is, in our day, that the leader's of the many denominations mimic the
self-rightoues Pharisees in both form and substance. the Pharisees represented the
kingdom of God before the church began. not long after Pentecost, when the NT church
began, Christendom suffered the same shame.

the worst of the worst is unrivaled to the degree Roman Catholicism has debased
Christendom. these people will worship an outhouse if they thought Peter used it.

a Catholic TV priest recently said on the air that they, the Catholic's, are the only
one's truly loving and representing Christ... saying this as he stood in front of a statue
of Mary.

go to any Catholic Newsgroup and you will find no spiritually at all but worthless chatter
of the thing's of this world. Catholic's can not present the gospel except if it be by
the work's of man founded upon the tradition's of other Catholic's.

the many visits of Satan disguised as Mary that came through the centuries came to
Catholic's... never to the elect. anyone can search the Internet and read the exact words
Satan is recorded as saying to them... all of which direct people away from Christ and to
him, Satan.

one will find that Satan is actually offering salvation by his hand if people will but
worship him... all the while to the Catholic it is Mary appearing to them. they have no
discernment whatsoever because they not only are spiritually dead, but are also
" confounded " by God as they humble themselves before statues of plaster erected unto
their god, Mary. it is apparent in them that Satan get's the worship he wants.

these have re-worded the Bible in a number of places so as to rid themselves of God's
command not to make or keep graven images. they want Mary to be named Co-Redeemer. their
blasphemies are without end.

thanks be God in Christ that His elect are not deceived by other gods since His infilling
of and by the Holy Spirit directs with power those of His pasture away from the many gods
so worshiped by Catholicism.
2009-11-14 13:57:34 UTC
Post by old man joe
when taking a look at the heathen world of the East it is plain to see that the
denominations aligning themselves with Jesus Christ are no different in appearance and
substance... they must have graven images to feel they are complete and owned by their
Help us out here, joe:

Is it ok to:

Draw a cross?
Draw a crucifix?
Draw a picture of Jesus?
Draw a picture of St. Peter?

Take a picture of your mother?
Take a picture of Mother Theresa?

Make a cross?
Make a crucifix?
Make a statue of Jesus?
Make a statue of St. Peter?
Make a statue of Abraham Lincoln?

Please explain your answers.

2009-12-02 00:41:56 UTC
Hmm... seems like a drive by posting.

On the chance that it is not, here are some verses to look at.

Gen. 23.7
Jos 5:14
Gen 33.3
Gen 50.18
I Kgs. 6.28-29
