The rich man also died, and was buried ( Lk. 16: 22 ) and was given eternal life just like believer's...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-08 11:57:24 UTC
rather than " search the scriptures daily, whether those things were so, " ( Acts 17:11 )
folks would rather portray the Living God as a mean tyrant who tosses aborted fetuses and
babies dying at birth... toddler's as well, into hell fire for infinity for the single sin
we call Original.

these would not be interested in searching the Scriptures to find out the meaning of words
God chose to use therein... Universalism so preaches that unbelievers shall all be saved
along with all of the fallen angels, Satan included, so it's but a small thing for the
rich man to be alive after death and burial even though " the soul that sinnith it shall
die. " Ez. 18:4

one must have eternal life in order to burn in hell for infinity. but finding in Holy
Scripture where God says unbeliever's do not die but are given eternal life is not what
co-redeemer's are all about. denominational tradition is what they're all about.

the great Falling Away, the Apostasy spoken of in Scripture, has to do with dismissing
what God says and following what the world says God is supposed to be.

anyone can turn on the TV and see mass crowds jiggling around to rock and roll redefined
as God glorifying music, as one of their Universalist preachers fill their ears with a
gospel of co-redemption, shouting meaningless exhortations of how good it feels to be a

so here we have a redefinition of God's Word... the soul that sinnith, it shall have
eternal life... the wages of sin is eternal life... exactly the doctrine of co-redeemer's.

this is the belief of those copying that old Catholic dogma, borrowed from Plato, that man
is immortal... and because he is immortal he end's up with eternal life in a place of
conscious burning with fire for all infinity. how can God toss aborted fetuses into a
burning hell to suffer conscience torment for all infinity unless He first gives them
eternal life just as He does those whom He's redeemed ? simple... who needs God's Word
when we have denominational tradition.

denomination tradition has the JW's saying Jesus Christ is not Jehovah, Eternal God.
denominational tradition has the Catholic's worshiping graven images of over ten thousand
humans they call saints.
denominational tradition has the Sabbatarians supposing Saturday is still the Sabbath all
the while Mt. 28:1 and Lk. 24:1 in the original language says quite to the contrary.
denominational tradition has the Pentecostal's thinking they're speaking in tongues all
the while easily found passages says to the contrary.
on and on down the line as all of the denominations move ever further from God's Word to
man's word.

will they bother to read Rev. 20:10-15 and see that " day and night " has to do with this
present earth and can not possibly mean infinity since this present earth is determined
for utter annihilation just like Sodom and Gomorrah ?
2010-01-08 12:19:08 UTC
Post by old man joe
rather than " search the scriptures daily, whether those things were so, " ( Acts 17:11 )
folks would rather portray the Living God as a mean tyrant who tosses aborted fetuses and
babies dying at birth... toddler's as well, into hell fire for infinity for the single sin
we call Original.
It's a good thing we Roman Catholics don't believe that. So who does?

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
