the graven image and the Catholic are inseparable. they're erased the First Commandment so they can worship idols...
(too old to reply)
old man joe
2010-01-29 11:33:37 UTC
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.

this demonstrated love can be found in pictures posted across the Internet of them
approaching an idol of Mary, adorning it with flower's, kneeling and praying to it.

there would be no such reason to want their Pope to make it official that Mary be given
the title of " Co-Redeemer " unless they express their love for her by officially making
her Deity.

the sequence of events describing an idol worshiper is in Ex. 20.1-5.

the first thing which defines a person as an idol worship is that he has an other God.

the Living God ( v. 1-3 ) being He is insufficient to him, because the idol worshiper
walks by sight and not by the faith of Jesus Christ ( 2 Cor. 5:7 ) needs to have an idol
of the Living Gods' substitute... in the realm of Catholicism it is an idol of Mary... the
goddess held in first place, all other idols are secondary to one of her.

the Catholic's boast of having over 10 thousand people they've named as
' saints ' special unto them... so many they've lost track of the tally, and any number of
these are made into graven images kept by Catholic's.

in v.4 we read... " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in
heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. " walk past a
Catholic Church building and you can get an idea of what pagan Rome looked like, where
Catholicism began. temple after temple, comparable to their church after church displays
the idols to whom they give homage, right out there in public view.

in verse 5 we read... " Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them... "
does the Catholic bow down, ' genuflect ' in front of his idols especially when he enter's
his church building which is filled with graven images ?

' genuflection ' is defined in the dictionary as ...
1. to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor in reverence or worship.
2. to express a servile attitude.

indeed, the Catholic, by the show he puts on in front of his graven images, does worship
idols. he takes on the appearance of the lesser... the servant, prostrating himself
before his majesties, his idols. they are all situated on stands above him so he can gaze
upwards to them in awe.

making prayer's to them to invoke them for special favor's is part and parcel of serving
graven images. one fellow posted saying ... " please prayer for Ted Kennedy so he can get
out of Purgatory. " to whom does the Catholic direct his attention in prayer ? is it not
the host of heaven who's likenesses adorn his church building and grounds ?

the Catholic is lying to himself when he thinks he is doing right by God when he serves
his graven images. if he was doing right by God, why then did he erase the First
Commandment in favor of his church tradition ?
IT Helpdesk
2010-01-29 13:51:07 UTC
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
this demonstrated love can be found in pictures posted across the Internet of them
approaching an idol of Mary, adorning it with flower's, kneeling and praying to it.
there would be no such reason to want their Pope to make it official that Mary be given
the title of " Co-Redeemer " unless they express their love for her by officially making
her Deity.
the sequence of events describing an idol worshiper is in Ex. 20.1-5.
the first thing which defines a person as an idol worship is that he has an other God.
the Living God ( v. 1-3 ) being He is insufficient to him, because the idol worshiper
walks by sight and not by the faith of Jesus Christ ( 2 Cor. 5:7 ) needs to have an idol
of the Living Gods' substitute... in the realm of Catholicism it is an idol of Mary... the
goddess held in first place, all other idols are secondary to one of her.
the Catholic's boast of having over 10 thousand people they've named as
' saints ' special unto them... so many they've lost track of the tally, and any number of
these are made into graven images kept by Catholic's.
in v.4 we read... " You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in
heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. "
walk past a
Catholic Church building and you can get an idea of what pagan Rome looked like, where
Catholicism began. temple after temple, comparable to their church after church displays
the idols to whom they give homage, right out there in public view.
in verse 5 we read... " Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them... "
does the Catholic bow down, ' genuflect ' in front of his idols especially when he enter's
his church building which is filled with graven images ?
' genuflection ' is defined in the dictionary as ...
1. to bend the knee or touch one knee to the floor in reverence or worship.
2. to express a servile attitude.
indeed, the Catholic, by the show he puts on in front of his graven images, does worship
idols. he takes on the appearance of the lesser... the servant, prostrating himself
before his majesties, his idols. they are all situated on stands above him so he can gaze
upwards to them in awe.
making prayer's to them to invoke them for special favor's is part and parcel of serving
graven images. one fellow posted saying ... " please prayer for Ted Kennedy so he can get
out of Purgatory. " to whom does the Catholic direct his attention in prayer ? is it not
the host of heaven who's likenesses adorn his church building and grounds ?
the Catholic is lying to himself when he thinks he is doing right by God when he serves
his graven images. if he was doing right by God, why then did he erase the First
Commandment in favor of his church tradition ?
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.

The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.

You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.

There is no doctrine of "co-redeemer" as you have tried to suggest.

What denomination do you belong to, Joe?
2010-01-29 14:03:02 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??

Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.

What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.

Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.

Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.

But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.

Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!

IT Helpdesk
2010-01-29 15:47:13 UTC
Post by Zadok
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??
Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.
What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.
Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.
But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.
Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!
And all this time I thought you were an Atheist, Zadok.

Which Christian denomination do you belong to?
2010-01-29 16:41:18 UTC
Post by IT Helpdesk
Post by Zadok
Post by IT Helpdesk
There's an important distinction between honoring Mary, as Jesus Himself
did, and worshipping Mary as God.
But what did Jesus say??
Mark 3: 31 - 35 should cover it.
What?? Verse 35 - For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my
brother, and my sister, and mother.
Amazing, cath0_lick boy claims Jesus honored his mother.
But Jesus actually says anyone who does the will of God, can be his mother.
Post by IT Helpdesk
The Catholic Church honors Mary. It does NOT worship her.
You embarrass other Christians with your statue-phobia.
Catholics embarass God with their graven images.
Thou shalt not make unto thee any GRAVEN (Carved, sculpted) image.
But wait, I'm sure cath0_lick boy can show us where Jesus ever entered a
church where they had statues.
Come on idiot, show us where Jesus or Peter ever mention a statue!!
And all this time I thought you were an Atheist, Zadok.
Ah, we can see from that, and from your posts that "Thought" is something
that escapes you.

2010-01-29 18:18:56 UTC
Post by old man joe
through a system of redefinition of the plain language of Holy Scripture ( the Bible is
not God's Word in the belief system of Catholicism... man's word overrules ) therefore
when the Catholics erased the First Commandment it was and is because they have a
demonstrated love for graven images.
this demonstrated love can be found in pictures posted across the Internet of them
approaching an idol of Mary, adorning it with flower's, kneeling and praying to it.
Of course. We also put flowers on the graves of our loved ones that died,
including the Unknown Soldier.

The Dukester, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
